View Full Version : Best Day Yet

07-09-08, 00:33
The mental clarity and physical, internal calmness that I have today is almost as if I had been reborn into another body and mind. It is by far the best day that I have had in perhaps well over a year (or more).

Now I just have to make sure that I remember that:

1. Tomorrow may be totally different.

2. I cannot EXPECT tomorrow to be as good as today.

3. If tomorrow is NOT as good as today . . . just let it go.

4. If the next few days aren't as good as today . . . just let it go.

5. If the next MONTH is not as good as today . . . just let it go.

I also made certain to realize that it very well may be temporary -- or it may not return EVER AGAIN after today -- and just enjoy the moments I have been blessed with. And I sure do feel blessed today.

If I wasn't feeling this good, I'd have anxiety about feeling this good (and I know that makes sense to some on the boards here, doesn't it?).

I now magically pass this good fortune on to the next person.

Anyone feeling lucky?

Veronica H
07-09-08, 09:58
You must be recovering to get a day like this. Enjoy it, and thanks for sharing your thoughts with us, as having moments of clarity like this can be as bewildering as the anxiety itself.
Best wishes

07-09-08, 10:29
awww that great and i am pleased mayb you could pass your magic onto me. hugsxxxxxxx