View Full Version : all of a sudden .. scared

so jems like
07-09-08, 04:57
Just sitting here I felt a panic attack coming ..
my stomach started to tighten & I just felt all scared again
oh geez, has anyone else had the tightening of the stomach?
I hate the feeling ..

So I went out and walked around and it went away & now I'm feeling normal again ..

Has anyone also had the problem of like "trouble breathing." I could breathe just fine but sometimes I feel like it's pressured and at times when I try going to sleep I feel like it's harder.

I'm just getting frustrated again :weep:

Sorry, just needed to vent

Thank You for anyone who read this .. :blush:

07-09-08, 07:01
Sounds like classic panic/anxiety symptoms so jems... the 'trouble breathing' might be a touch of hyperventaliation or just tension in the chest muscles. I get this sometimes when I'm trying to get to sleep while I'm wound up. When this happens try holding your breath for a couple of beats or just breathing slowly and deeply. I get tightness in the tummy too, like a "knot" in the stomach when upset or panicky. I think it's just tension in your muscles and your stomach preparing for a "fight or flight" situation.

Sounds like you're dealing with it really well - the walk calmed you down and you felt better. Well done, keep it up, you'll be fine :)

07-09-08, 20:06
Just sitting here I felt a panic attack coming ..
my stomach started to tighten & I just felt all scared again
oh geez, has anyone else had the tightening of the stomach?
I hate the feeling ..

So I went out and walked around and it went away & now I'm feeling normal again ..

Has anyone also had the problem of like "trouble breathing." I could breathe just fine but sometimes I feel like it's pressured and at times when I try going to sleep I feel like it's harder.

I'm just getting frustrated again :weep:

Sorry, just needed to vent

Thank You for anyone who read this .. :blush:


I get the same feelings, Stomach knot, Chest pain, Gagging sensation, trouble breathing.

WHat really helped me in high school was, I grabbed a pen and papper and started doodleing, it helped me "loosen up"

My doctor told me of an awesome technique. What you do is you tense up your arms like you are lifting a weight, and slowly lift it past your head and relax. It helps during an attack.

well I hope I helped a little.

07-09-08, 20:37
Yes i definitely get the tightened stomach. In fact, ive yet to have a panic attack without this symptom! Its actually one of the symptoms i hate the most because i find it really hard to breath, and then i panic even more. Ive had many days in a row where as soon as i would stand up, my stomach would tighten and i would find myself litterally bent over to try and ease it.

07-09-08, 21:16
When my pas are starting I get a bad feeling of nausea and that's how I know. It seems like the same thing. I get so many symptoms that I couldn't even begin to list them.

Hope you are feeling better now.
take care
Chelle xxx