View Full Version : Constantly In A Bad Mood?

07-09-08, 11:16
I am wondering if it has anything to do with Anxiety or Depression?

Basically I am always in a bad mood, grumpy, fed up, and ready to explode at any time.

I suppose its like I have a constant chip on my shoulder for no reason, Occasionally it lifts, but very rarely. Like on pay day it lifts for example, but at all other times its there.

Its like I am constantly stuck on the defensive,

Anyone else like this? My anxiety has more or less gone, which makes me wonder if this is a separate issue.

07-09-08, 11:22
Hi Sam I get this a lot - i think its def to do with the anx and depression - I have to make myself aware of it tot ry and snap out of it as i always feel like blaming everyone for my mood when i know its me -- excercise helps

07-09-08, 11:51
Yes, I know exercise helps, but motivation is hard to come by, This morning I couldn't even be bothered getting out of bed, but the children started etc so I had to get up, But from the moment I opened my eyes I knew I was in a bad mood, Why? I was only wakened, what could have put me in a mood already.