View Full Version : Alcohol, liver and HA...aaargh!

07-09-08, 11:50
Hello everyone,
I'm worried about how much I drink and the effect it is having on my body. I installed a unit counter on my google page from the cancer research website (was very good and avoided looking at any other pages!). It is quite terrifying to see the units add up. I was doing quite well this week, keeping my unit count below 21, but then I had a whole bottle of wine last night - was sat up with a friend, and it just went down the hatch. This has put my total count up to around 30 for the week - more than double the recommended!

I'm fretting about my liver and think it is sore - no idea if it is ossible for your liver to be sore or not - it's more likely to be ibs or something.

I'm really going to try and stop drinking, at least for a month, to see if it helps.

Anyone else worried or got any useful hints or tips? I'd particularly appreciate anyone who can reassure me my lvier can't hurt, or any success stories re stopping drinking. I have managed to stop smoking, so I feel I 'should' be able to do it, but also know after dealing with stroppy teenagers at school, that I will really want a drink!

cheers (see, even my chat subliminally refers to drinking:doh: )

07-09-08, 14:16
I have never had my liver hurt before but I do have a younger brother who drinks more beer than water and he will tell you that it can hurt and when he gets his checked it is swollen from drinking. Now mind you, he is an alcoholic. It could be that you bruised yourself or bumped into something. Are you drinking to escape anxiety? Self medication as you know is not good for you. Congrats on quitting smoking though, I wish I could. Take care.

07-09-08, 14:22
Yikes! I don't drink more wine than water, so that's a start! I havent knocked myself or anything, but it could be muscular pain from being tense, or IBS. I don't really drink to escape anxiety - my anxiety is not too bad at the moment, only about my drinking.

Thanks for your reply, and I'm still addicted to nicotine gum, but it's better than wheezing and coughing all the time!