View Full Version : Unexplained Symptoms

Milo Girl
07-09-08, 11:54
Hi I am new to the Forum but wondered if anyone recognises the symptoms I am experiencing.

About a year ago I started getting a pain in my lower right rib (10th one). At first I thought it was from picking up my heavy toddler so after a week and it not getting better, I visited the GP. She diagnosed shingles (but I had no rash, no fever and didn't feel ill). Said just to leave it alone. Went away and it was still there a couple of weeks later so I went back and saw another GP. I said I was worried it might be gallstones but again had no other symptoms. Dr ruled that out and said it was muscular possibly costochondritis. Prescribed voltarol gel and off I went again.

This went on for quite a while with the pain being intermittent. When it flared up again quite badly I went back to see the first GP who sent me for a chest x-ray. That came back completely clear. Blood tests also fine - not anaemic, no arthritis, etc.

Since then it is intermittent but I am now seem to be suffering from so many other aches, pains and weird symptoms. I have a random pain in my left foot which comes and goes, mid back pain which sometimes is making me feel nauseaus. I seem to feel uptight and anxious all the time and panic over just about every little thing. The other day I ate some beetroot and then freaked out and thought I was bleeding to death or that I have an ulcer or some other horrible disease.

My brain tells me that it is most probably stress related. When I wake up in the morning, I can feel the tension coming over me like a wave and try as I can to relax I just don't seem to be able to do so.

Going back to the rib pain, I have visited an osteopath who manipulated my back but never actually got to the root of the problem so I gave up with her. Then because of the foot pain I visited a Podiatrist who said that I had fallen arches and that is probably contributing to the rib pain. But after several visits, she decided that a wider pair of shoes was the solution - I have bought some but it hasn't cured the problem. I just feel that no-one seems to ever be able to evaluate what all these aches and pains are.

Just wondered if anyone out there has been experiencing the same sort of problems.


07-09-08, 12:02
Yep, I have pain exactly where you describe and have also been through the gamut of tests, with no real answer. The two 'best' answers were either muscular - when i'm tense, I contract those muscles, which pull on the rib slightly causing the pain or IBS, because your colon curves up and round at that point, too. Both of these are plausible in my opinion, and neither of them are very serious, so I just kind of accept it now and try to ignore it. It is pants though!

Milo Girl
07-09-08, 12:04
Thanks for the quick reply. Makes you feel better knowing that someone else feels like you do and you are not on your own.

07-09-08, 12:34
I also had to see a podiatrist - they say fallen arches are the reason for lower back pain/ knee and hip pain - they gave me raised insoles for my shoes. They are ok BUT i still get all the same pains now i have been told to buy 'proper indoor' shoes and wear the insoles in these as well.
Their advice is also to buy your shoes from "recommended" shops - (upwards of £50 pair) - i have no chance so again i am told need to wear the correct shoes.
Even with ther insoles i still at this moment have a pain and tingling from my toes over the top of my foot.
Milo Girl i think your fright about beetroot is a common one. It just takes one thing out of the ordinary to set off the fear and panic. hope you are OK about it now?
(i think it is in 'Symptoms' or 'Health anxiety' on the left of screen.
We know when we go to the docs that we do not want them to find anything wrong with us BUT we want a reason for our pains, giddiness, nausea etc.
I get so fed up to be told 'it is just stress' i don't feel stresed till i get the symptoms and then i think the worst ........
Hope you are feeling better:hugs:

07-09-08, 13:15
Milo Girl

Sorry to hear that things are so crap for you, there is nothing worse than unexplained pain. I am guessing the fact that you have been x-rayed that there really is nothing wrong eg fractures. You could consider this just a blip in the fact it is a weak area of our crazy bodies or maybe a fibromyalgia type of problem. I am saying this as unexplained pain in several areas is a way of diagnosis to a problem that very little is known about.

Despite this it will take years for diagnosis as they have nothing to go by other than blips of pain over a long period of time. It maybe a good plan to get some physiotherapy and anti inflammatory meds prescribed to take when it plays up.


Milo Girl
07-09-08, 15:46
Many thanks for all the replies. I have been trying to relax a bit more today. Haven't had the foot pain today but that might be because I haven't walked too far today (usually walk to work - fast pace, 20 minutes).

Rib feeling very sore today, hopefully will feel better tomorrow. Usually smother it in Deep Heat before bed which helps a bit.

I am wondering if my posture isn't helping as I tend to sit with my laptop on my knee and I guess I am slouching a bit. Must try and sit better see if that helps.

07-09-08, 21:19
Hi Milo Girl,

I used to get really weird pain which felt like it was under my rib and also get a very strange pain in my back in a spot that feels like theres a trapped nerve but been to see everyone and they never find anything wrong.

I also suffer from anxiety and found out in the last 6 months that i overbreathe when im stressed or worried. I began to practice the whole deep abdominal breathing rituals and found that these weird uncomfortable pains eventually dissapeared.

May be a totally different pain your experiencing, but what I was feeling in my ribs was as if something sharp was trying to poke its way through.

I could be totally off the mark but i guess anything can help so if these symptoms match then next time your feeling this pain try and hold your breath for 15 seconds,


Count your in breath for 7 seconds, pause for 1-3 seconds then out breath for 11 seconds.


Lie down flat on your back, bend your knees, place one hand on your chest and one hand on your abdomen, and focus on breathing so that only your abdomen is moving, you chest should not be moving at all.

Really hope that this helps

07-09-08, 22:05
i have fallen arches, when i was young i suffered very bad foot pain. now i only get it now and again. you can get insole for your shoes that support your arches, but i find that they hurt. when you have flat feet, it affects the way you walk, and can give you foot, ankle, knee and back pain

Milo Girl
10-09-08, 13:05
Thanks for your reply. I will try with the breathing techniques.

milly jones
10-09-08, 13:08
defo done the beetroot one lol

sarah peacock
02-10-08, 20:09
I think we've all done the beetroot one!!! LOL. i also get the pains below my ribs on the right hand side. I'm too scared to go to the docs though as i'm scared of what they might say!