View Full Version : side effects arnt too good!

07-09-08, 13:32
Hi I am new to this site but have been reading it for a while now.I have been taking escitalopram for a few days now and even though it is helping me sleep better I am experiencing more anxiety(panic) and bad agitation like my nerves are on overdrive.Cant stop twitching.After reading the messages there doesn't seem to be many people experiencing the same thing.Has anyone had the same side effects and if so could you let me know if they go away after a while as feel like stopping the tablets already if this is going to affect me long term.On a positive note am soooo please I came to see this site as it does make you feel more normal and that you're not on your own.
Thank:weep: s

07-09-08, 16:06
Hiya Mallen, welcome to NMP its great to have you here.
Its quite commen for meds to give you side effects to start with, and they normally disappear within 2 to 6 wks
Bear with them and see how they go and if after 6 wks you still are getting bad side effects go talk to your doc
Of cause if the side effects you are getting now are unbearable then go see him sooner.

07-09-08, 16:22
Hi and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

07-09-08, 16:24
Hi There

I am on cipralex - escitalopram and in the beginning I had the wierdest side effects and I wanted to stop but they are helping me now - touch wood... you have to persevere at least 6 weeks and the side effects do go

07-09-08, 19:05
Hi Just replied to everyone but don't think it went through for some reason.Just wanted to say thanks for all the replies.Didn't expect them so soon.Feeling much better now its the afternoon.Take my tab at night so it seems to wear off by the afternoons.I will carry on taking the escitalopram as people seem to be saying the side effects wear off after 4-6 weeks and I do feel better on this than citalopram.Seems like a long time to feel panicky but am hoping its worth it in the end.What type of side effects did anyone else get?

07-09-08, 19:07
Like the quote Kelly!!I'll think of that when I'm having a bad day!

08-09-08, 22:33
Hi Mallen

:welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.

milly jones
09-09-08, 17:00
:welcome: hi and a warm welcome to no more panic

hugs :bighug1:

milly xxx

09-09-08, 18:16
Hi Marie

I am nearly 3 weeks into taking these meds and the first 2 weeks were horrendous with anxiety which made me virtually housebound. But week 3 and i have gone back to work although still a little shaky. I take my tablet at night and the mornings are still bad for me feel like i am running on adrenaline but by the afternoon i am not too bad. Hope you are a little better today witht he side effects. xx


09-09-08, 18:38
Hi and welcome, I am sure you will soon find your way around and make lots of new friends.

10-09-08, 00:44
Welcome, hopefully the side effects are very short lived and the medication helps soon. In the meantime, you will find very supportive people on here

10-09-08, 10:53
Hi there and:welcome: i get stressed sometimes just having to take meds......but it does take a few weeks for them to get into your system, persevere with it, it will be worth it tc x