View Full Version : unexplained pain

07-09-08, 14:05
hi guys

am feeling scared at the moment, for nearly 2 weeks now i have had pain below and behind my left and right rib cage, the pains goes around into my lower back and also into my lower abdo, im getting very scared, i have been doc and he says its prob a virus due to my on going stomach problems, they think i have a stomach ulcer, im worrying now because im wondering if it is gallstones, my doctors are very reluctant to do any tests had to phone up and beg Friday afternoon for a ref for Barium, which i only got because i said i would go private and have it done!

I read on the internet about ibs this morning, as i have been getting lots of gurgling all around the tummy, feeling like i need the toilet and have had a bit of wind, the symptoms also included rib pain, i dont know wether to tkae myself off to urgent care centre and demand an ultrsound of gall bladder or wether to leave it, i have also had a burning pain in between my shoulder blades on and off now for 3 or more weeks but i dont know if this is the anxiety, i sometimes think it comes on after or when im eating but i dont know if thats just my mind playing with me, i also keep feeling like im swallowing lumps all the way down to my stmach hence the barium, any advice or help would be greatly received im scared.

07-09-08, 14:20
If it is gall stones, the pain is excruciating, normally, so I've read - ie rolling round on the floor in pain! The pain would normally also be much worse after you've eaten something fatty - the gall bladder stores bile which is used to break down fat, so when it is working to produce the bile, after somethng fatty, it hurts more then. do you have this sort of pain?

If they think it is a stomach ulcer, have they given you omeprazole or something to stop production of acid? This should help ease the pain, but it takes about three weeks to start stopping the pain, I think, although some people say their relief is much quicker than that.

it does sound more acidic pain than gall stones pain - get some zantac or similar to stop acid prodcution and see if that helps.

07-09-08, 14:44
Santorini if you put 'irritable bowel' into search at the top of the page you might get some reasurance that IBS has many many symptoms all of them painful to some degree - beleive it or not a pain in your thigh can be a symptom of constipation!!!!!
Any abdominal / stomach pain that the doctor tests for and finds NO MEDICAL cause, comes under the heading = Most likely cause- Hurry, curry and worry!
I am not making light of your pain anything unexplained is scary - that's one of the reasons we are on here.
Best wishes