View Full Version : my name is Tina

07-09-08, 16:40
Hi everyone,
Just wanted to give alittle info about myself. I had a traumatic injury in june of 07 and quit smoking in july of 07. From there anxiety and depression kicked in. I went to the doctors 3 times a week with head pressure, feeling like a heart attack, etc... They did EKG's, sent me to the ENT doctors. My doc said I was suffering from depression which I think I have always but handling it with smoking seemed to get me through. So tried prozac and didnt seem to work so ER doctor gave me paxil and xanax, of course only enough to get me to my regular doctor. I gained 35 pounds from the mixture of paxil and the stop smoking thing im sure. Xanax was heaven helped me totally but of course my MD didn't want to give me any said there were addicting. So he gave me a few klonopins. The also worked very wll but he wouldnt give me but about 15 to get me through a "hard time" . This didnt seem like a hard time to me and after a yr it still isnt. I went to a doctor that was recommended by my Nurse practioner at work and he gave me two prescriptions of klonopin for 60 each. I was only taking when need and still have about 6 left and the last script was filled in FEB of 08 so of course im not abusing them. I stopped the paxil cold turkey about 4 months ago because of weight gain. I have a bad back and high blood pressure i could not stand the extra weight. I hope to go back to my normal MD and talk to him about giving me the klonopin again without seeing the mental health part. I was laid off last week and the insurance i have right now through a temp service im sure will not cover that. My insurance from my new job will kick in in three months. I am taking half of a .5 klonopin and it seems to work very well. Do you guys have a problem with getting doctors to prescribe these kinds of drugs. What is a good depression med with something in them for anxiety that wont put the weight on? It helps to read that others are going through what I am. It is a horrible thing to suffer from. Look forward to hanging out here.

07-09-08, 21:25
Hi Tina!
I recently joined NMP as I started taking panic attacks in February this year. I have suffered from depression for 7 years. I take 40mg of citalopram a day and after a consultation with a psychiatrist in June this year I was diagnosed with Depressive Anxiety Panic disorder. He prescribed me with 2mg valium to take when I take a really bad attack but my GP went mad and will not prescribe me any more. To tell you the truth they have no effect on me whatsoever but now I cant get any more and dont know what to do!

Sorry I am absolutely no help am I???

Hope you are doing ok.
take care
Chelle xxx

08-09-08, 05:18
Welcome to the forum. I have been on Paxil 11 years and gained about 10 pounds. I am also on Ativan and Klonopin. I have been tried on more medications than I can count! I am soon being sent to Toronto for an assessment to see if they can figure out a treatment that will work as I have had such little success so far on all these different meds.
Hopefully they will find something! If they do and it works I promise to tell you! LOL
Again welcome, you will get lots of great advice in here!

08-09-08, 09:28
Hiya, welcome to NMP its lovely to have you here

08-09-08, 22:32
Hi Tina

:welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.

08-09-08, 22:34
Hi and welcome, you will soon make lots of new friends.

Captain America
08-09-08, 22:52
some doctors don't like klonopin because it can be physically addicting when taken every day for a length of time. my sister was on it for a year, and although she didn't have problems stopping her doctor stopped giving her them and tried giving her prozac instead.

so yeah it think it's common. some don't mind though. mine told me i could take klonopin every day if i wanted long term. i didn't want to get addicted though so i said no.

lexapro is supposed to be really good...not sure what the generic of that is

08-09-08, 23:26
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

milly jones
09-09-08, 16:45
:welcome: hi and a warm welcome to no more panic

hugs :bighug1:

milly xxx