View Full Version : completely panicked

07-09-08, 16:48
Ok i'm officially freaking out !!!:ohmy:
Have been off work for 2mths with back problems , i have patches of numbness on my right leg and foot, with weakness cant stand on my tiptoes on my right leg. I'm getting referred to the ortho guy as doctor thinks its disc related. I decided to google ( i know what your all going to say , couldn't help it) Motor Nuerone Disease and am freaking out, god i could only have mnths to live, im hyperventilating, freezing cold and have butterflies in my stomach. I'm worried sick, how am i going to get through the next few hours , like i feel really sick. Do you think i should ask my doctor bout MND and if theres any test he could do to rule it out. I know im rambling on but this has completely threw me. xx Help

07-09-08, 17:03
I would ask him, for reassurance, but if he thinks it is disc related, it probably is. The discs in your back can press on/trap nerves, which would cause all of your symptoms.

08-09-08, 10:16
I agree with seeker, if the doc thinks it's disc-related then it probably is - he/she would do more tests if he/she thought there was any chance of it being neurological. Did you read Henry_Rollins recent excellent post about ALS?


It might reassure you :).

08-09-08, 17:12
thanks guys,

Im still freaking out but trying to keep a lid on it, took a couple of diazepam to calm me down, its the just not knowing tht drives me insane , that causes my HA to get the better of me, i mean if i do have it there's nothing i can do right i'd just have to deal with it, but its scarey stuff if you know what i mean .

tc xx