View Full Version : Ear pressure changes

07-09-08, 17:02
When i am in periods of anxiety, my ears go really funny, like the pressure is changing in them, they feel like they need to pop! It goes on for quite a few days. Does anyone else find this?

Im wondering if i need my ears checking, but ive noticed it does coincide with periods of GAD and panic.

Thanks in advance for your thought.

Love Popsy x x x

07-09-08, 18:37
I get this too... I'll be sitting there and all of a sudden it just feels like my ears have clogged. Trying to pop them usually helps but sometimes it sticks with me for a bit.

07-09-08, 19:20
I'm glad I read your post asI have been wondering about the same thing myself. When I'm really stressed out I find that one of my ears will go a bit 'deaf' and I feel like I need to pop it. This has happened a few times now and I was fretting over what it might be. Reading that others share this symptom is a reassurance.


07-09-08, 20:23
Yep, i get this too but i was'nt sure wether it was just my imagination (a sort of self-distraction from my anxieties) if you get my drift! i have to hold my nose and blow to pop my ears (like you do on a plane)
I never thought that it could actually be a symptom, not a-bloody-nother one! as i have so many TEE HEE!!
Thanks for the post:yesyes:

07-09-08, 20:43
Yes I get this too!! I've been thinking that this was the reason that the anxiety keeps sparking up. Don't know if any of you get vertigo as another symptom, but my right ear seems to feel blocked and funny then the anxiety seems to get worse and then sometimes vertigo sets in and it litterally feels like im on a boat!! Very weird feeling.

Im booking an appointment with the doctor tommorrow as it happens to get this checked out for sure, but having read this post im not pretty sure its just another one of those symptoms among the 100's of others that seem to come with the territory.

I almost want it to be an inner ear problem so that I can blame it on that then magically ill get a prescription and ill feel better! But I'm now pretty sure that its going to be another negative response.

After the results then I think its time to take responsibility for this problem once and for all and stop blaming external things.

Im sure you all know what I mean!

Suppose reading this post is good in a way, will mean that its time to stop blaming it on everything else.

07-09-08, 20:47
I've been having this symptom too and bits of vertigo and dizziness (exactly as you describe wanting your ears to pop) so I went and got my ears and my eyes checked and all was fine - good old anxiety yet again!

Piglet :flowers:

07-09-08, 22:06
i get this too but i think i have too much wax in my ears as i find ear drops help

08-09-08, 11:27
I find it amazing the amount of symptoms that come with anxiety!!

The brain is a powerfull thing