View Full Version : Travel Anxiety- Help

07-09-08, 17:03

I am due to leave for Cornwall in around 3 hours and i am seriously freaking out..its a 6 hours drive from here and i am not a good traveller at the best of times. I am so worried about being away from home, worried i will freak out and lose it when i am away from home..i am getting myself in a real state..i thinking about cancelling the trip :-(..trouble is i am due to attend my best friends wedding whilst i am there, instead of looking at this as a happy event i am terrified and feel trapped by it..if that makes sense...help, any advice?


07-09-08, 17:10
Hiya m8 .....hope you feeling bit better ......you will be fine and will be able 2 tell your success story on here .......Just remember its only your thoughts that are making you fel like this and nothing bad will happen ...so if you freaked what would be worst thing that would happen ? you would calm down eventually ..anxiety can only get 2 a certain peak before it comes back down .

When you are travelling look at things around you and look at diff colour cars or diff makes etc 2 take your mind of things xxxx

I do understand i am chief bridesmaid in Nov and keep getting so anxious but i just take deep breathes and calm my self down .

Well all the best and just think we are all here 4 u ...let us know how u get on xxxxx

Titch x

07-09-08, 17:20
That's a tough one, I missed a friends wedding because I couldn't deal with the journey and I felt terrible afterwards, especially as I couldn't explain to them why I hadn't gone (they don't know about my problems). I felt very guilty and a bit of a failure afterwards. So, I would advise you to go, are you going with someone you trust? Are you driving yourself? if you're not doing the driving I would take a travel sickness tablet as these can stop the queazy feeling from anxiety, and if you don't get the non-drowsy ones they can have a mildly sedative effect.
I understand totally what you're going through. Remember that you can turn back at any point. We can never be 100% sure of how we will feel when we do something, you may feel anxious at first but as you get closer to your destination that may turn in to a sense of achievement, you may be distracted by the beauty of the scenery, and may even feel invigorated by being somewhere new. These are all possibilities. If you don't go, you'll never know.
Good luck