View Full Version : Suicide.

07-09-08, 17:52
I've just come out of The Priory Hospital,Altrincham.To cut a long story short i feel worse than when i went in.One of the group we were in has comitted suicide and i can't believe it and i think i am just in shock and am really upset about it.I rang the psychologist up and they just said that i'm sorry but we don't offer a counselling service here.
I think it's made me feel very vulnerable to be honest and i keep thinking to myself well i they can do it so can i at least they arn't going through a nightmare anymore.
I've been on that many anti depressants and have just got tired of the whole thing now and feels like it's got to much really and this is now the final straw.
The thing is that none of us thought they would do it because they were the strong one in the group.I've phoned the Samaritans and they didn't help and i've told the psychiatrist about my feelings and have to see him next week.
What for though.....to give me some more tablets and ask how i'm feeling and then come back in a few days time???
There just seems to be one thing after another.Sorry to ramble on i'm just trying anything to make me feel better than i do at the moment.


07-09-08, 18:59
Hello Wombat,

You must be feeling dreadful and very alone - what a pity the clinic couldn't help. I do hope you can find some company to see you through until you see your psychiatrist next week. Of course you are in shock at the moment, but I am sure he will be able to talk you through this trauma, which must have set you back. This is obviously a very difficult time for you, and you need some good support, which I am sure he will give you. Meantime, please do try and gather some friends around you.

07-09-08, 22:09
Thanks Rosie,
i'm seeing the psych next week so will tell him how i'm feeling.Hopefully the new tablets will work.

milly jones
07-09-08, 22:19
hunny ive used samaritans and they helped me, try again hun

or what about SANELINE they are good too

if u really need emergency help the out of hours mental health service always have a duty doc on here in wales

take care

milly xxx