View Full Version : Hurray!!!! I done it

jacqui doll
07-09-08, 18:52
I am sooooo pleased with myself. I am just back from a week in Spain with my hubby and 3 kids. A week before i left i was in taken to hospital in ambulance and had a black out spell. The crisis team came out to me everyday and my meds where changed for the short term. I was unsure if i would be able to go on holiday.

i managed the flights ... just about. We had a nice time as a family and hubby was very good he entertained the kids and let me lie down and relax when i felt tired. I had 3 minor panic attacks and hubby was great and helped me through them by focusing my attention and with the help of Diazepam (2mg).
I am soo proud of myself and hubby. Family back home though were more anxious that me... lol
Now it is back to the norm. Doctors tomorrow, and then psychiatristand counselling starts this week.
Just to let you know that sometimes you can lead a 'normal' life. I am in no ways out of my bad spell at the moment but i do feel as though i am getting somewhere. i would never have thought 2 weeks ago that i would have been able to go to Spain.....but I done it.
Sorry for rabbling on but the sense of achievement i feel to have spent some time with my hubby and 3 kids was better than words can describe. xx


Pink Panic
07-09-08, 19:33
A really lovely post to read Jacqui. A massive WELL DONE to you :yesyes: :yesyes:

Pink :hugs:

07-09-08, 20:09
Hi Jaqui

WELL DONE hun ! Great to read of your success !!:yesyes:

Im sure the holiday will have done you the world of good and boosted your confidence.

Onwards and upwards for you from now on !:yesyes:


07-09-08, 20:32
Well done!:bighug:

3 cheers for you!!

:emot-cheering: :emot-cheering: :emot-cheering:

What a huge stride forward for you and your family xxx

07-09-08, 20:56
Thats brilliant well done!!!!

milly jones
07-09-08, 21:00
such a lovely post to read ty xx

milly xx :hugs:

07-09-08, 21:54
aw yay well done! i hope you will start feeling better soon x x x

07-09-08, 22:41
Awww thats lovely to hear

:yesyes: well done

love mandie x

07-09-08, 22:48
i'm so pleased for you! well done, its very reasurring too, i have a hol booked for end of september! had booked it before i got ill, and have been dreading it and worrying about whether to go or not, i really want to, and this has given me a little bit of reasurrance that i may be able to do so.

again i'm really happy for you :) xxx

08-09-08, 13:09
Wow you should feel so proud that is amazing and an inspiration to many!

08-09-08, 14:48
:yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: WELL DONE :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

:bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1:

jacqui doll
08-09-08, 18:33
Thanks to everyone for their kind words and thoughts. Love and kisses to you all. xx

09-09-08, 14:59
Well done! It just shows what's possible. I hope things continue to improve for you.


09-09-08, 17:17
Well done Jacqui:yahoo:
Mandy xx