View Full Version : ******job Advice*********

nic x
07-09-08, 19:18
what are your opinions of the perfect job for someone (like me) who suffers with anxeity and panic attacks????? as im sooooo bored while kids are at school, and think that it'll be good for me xx

07-09-08, 19:24
Hi Nic,

Just wondered what sort of things you were interested in?

07-09-08, 19:25

I suppose this depends how bad the panic attacks are. There are a few jobs that you can do from home and its worth checking these out but also voluntary work for a few hours to get you into the swing of things. This is a good post coz so many feel the same as you, so lets hope others can add to this post

Take care

kev x

07-09-08, 20:48
I recently had the same dilema,
i'v had to go back to work (thanks to the credit crunch) after 2 years at home with my baby. I was ready for it really but just could'nt find anything that fitted in with my partners shifts and also my anxiety. I looked at everything, even things that i have no interest in.
I finally got a job in a small call centre (part time) and it's been hard, however, iv finally settled down (after 6 weeks) and i'm loving it!
I could'nt have worked in a big call centre (would have panicked with all those bodies).
You need something with minimal responsibilities

Other things i considered: care work (nights) & Flower arranging (theraputic)

I hope you find something that suits you!
good luck:yesyes:

07-09-08, 20:53
reception in a hospital - preferably accident and emergency would be good for me!! lol

07-09-08, 21:18
I work in a Solicitors and I can assure you it is not a good place for someone with pas! So stay away from this profession if you can! LOL


07-09-08, 21:26
Definately work for a smaller business if you can.
Bigger business = more people, more training, and grumpier bosses. xD

07-09-08, 22:20
Hey Nic ......dont forget our jewellrey business 2 geva .........im gna have 2 learn how 2 spell jewellery 1st though haha ........xxxx

titchjd x

08-09-08, 16:37
Hi Nic:D

I had the same problem a few weeks ago and I decided I wanted to be an undertaker:whistles:

Managed to land a job in one and its great:yesyes:

My point is you have to do what you want to do and dont let the panic decide for you:lac:

I wish you luck.....go get em:yesyes:

Kaz x

08-09-08, 20:55

Well i suffer with agoraphobia and anxiety/panic that goes with it and have done for at least 3 years - last year i got sick of being on benefits but was also terrified of starting a job then not being reliable if my panic took over. So i started looking online for work and i have to say if you do this do be careful there are a lot of scams out there. Thankfully i was very lucky to find a great job online and have been doing it 10 months now within the online gaming industry. There are loads of online bingo and casino sites who take on moderators and customer support staff to work from home who are very genuine - especially if you stick to the well known names. I love my job and am so happy to have it however i have to be honest and say it doesnt really help my agoraphobia at all - if anything it may actually have worsened it - because now it is too easy to stay at home and too easy to take on extra shifts to ensure im in the house during days i feel panicky. What im trying to say is by choosing to work from home i made a safe decision for my panic instead of trying to face it and deal with it.

Although i love my job and have no plans in the near future of leaving it i do sometimes wish i had just tried to get something that is close to home maybe just part time to start with so at least i could have challenged myself to see how i would have got on - hopefully it will be something i will do in the future.

Good luck in your job search!
Emma x