View Full Version : Feeling Awful Today

19-05-05, 15:49
I have been feeling awful for the past couple of days but especially today, its hard to explain i feel like i cannot breathe it feels like i am breathing funny, it feels like my stomach doesnt rise much.
But also sometimes my body forces me to sigh or take a deep breath and my stomach hurts is this normal?
Also my throat feels so tight like something is blocking me from swallowing properly and i constantly feel like i am choking.
I feel like im breathless very bad but from the outside it doesnt really look like i am breathless.
I am worrying alot especially as my partners brother died the other day he was breatheless alot and he died of a blood clot and worry maybe a clot is blocking me from breathing properly, i just dont know whether these symptoms are caused by anxiety.

I just feel like a zombie that canot breathe properly and feel like im choking when there is nothing to choke on.

Not knowing if it is anxiety is making me feel much worse.


19-05-05, 15:53
I only worry that it could be a blood clot because i know if you have a blood clot and it moves into your lungs it affects your breathing then it can go to the heart, like i said i feel breathless but i done my asthma peak flow today and seems ok it doesnt feel like it is asthma at all its like a brick is stick in my throat and making me feel like im choking and also feels like i have a brick in my lungs and my body cant breathe properly could it be hyperventialiting?

Sue K with 5
19-05-05, 16:10
Hi Andrew

What your feelign is a normal symptom of panic and anxiety, try doing breathing exercises, your fear are quite understandable at this time, and you are having a rough time.

If I were you I would ring your GP and discuss your symptoms and concerns, he would be able to tell you in more detail and he could give you an honest answer.

I know its scarey, We all go through differant symptoms and I know how scary your is, but we are all here and you are not alone

Email me if you need to talk again

Take Care



19-05-05, 16:42
If your peak flow is normal and in absence of other symptoms I do not think you have a blood clot

You are not alone, check what others have said similar

SOB: Cant get any air in (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=961)
SOB: general anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2576)
SOB: Reverse panic (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2246)
SOB and Asthma: Breathing!! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3276)
Everyone please read this!!!!! ( breathing weird ) (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3298)

Tight throat : MORE HORRID SYMPTOMS!!!! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1957)
Swallowing/ choking: Hi All (Swallowing / Choking Fear...) (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3239)
What has suddenly changed, feel awful! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3518)


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

19-05-05, 16:46
Hi Andrew,
Yes I think it’s a lot to do with anxiety as we get so many weird symptoms with it. I too have been feeling so breathless to the past few weeks and chest back and rib pains its been frightening me too. Strange you said about your partners dying and you said he was breathless to, as I spoke to my neighbour about 3 weeks ago and he said he had lung cancer and it had spread to his bones and only had between 2 to 8 months to live, but sadly he died a week after I spoke to him. He said his symptoms where short of breath too and I felt so sorry for him and upset when he died only a week after knowing his Illness. I think these things do seem to play on out mind then we think we have the same? Its anxiety look at how many people do get breathless and chest pains and none of them die? We just concentrate on one in thousands who do die then get all worked up and make up in our mind we have this illness, and yes it feels so real. I too tried the peak flow meter and I could get a reading of nearly 450 to 500, which is really good. Take care hope you feel better soon. Vernon

19-05-05, 18:38
hi Andrew,

I have had those same fears many times in the past. It is just the anxiety getting the better of you. All you can do is try your best to put the fears at the back of your mind..

Sarah :D

29-07-08, 15:44
I know exactly how u feel, i have had this on and off for the past five months and have now had it for the last 2 days constantly. i feel as though i cannot get air in and my throat is constantly tight and choking

I still panick over it and am terrified there is something wrong with me everytime this happens, yet if there was im sure i would know by now after five months of it happening. U will be fine learn to relax or carry a paper bag thats helpfull

i just hope that it reassures u to know that other people are going through the same thing as it is a lot more common than anxiety sufferers think

Good luck! Lucy :yesyes: