View Full Version : I am sick and tired of anxiety.

07-09-08, 21:22
I am sick and tired of anxiety, especially the kind that is brought on by other people that you cannot avoid. I am tired of walking on thin ice and tired of worrying about peoples reactions. I cannot avoid the people, so I am always anxious of the next sarcastic or critical comment or pressure they put me under. I am just TIRED! Can I just crawl into a hole and become a hermit??? Ok, done venting.

07-09-08, 21:53
aw I'm sorry people are making your anxiety worse. the trick is, to see it as their problem not yours. if they make comments just ignore them or even smile, think in your head, "hey that your negitivie energy and u can take it back".

09-09-08, 10:16
Im not in a good place at the moment myself, so all i can offer is a big hug and that im thinking of you.
Popsy x x x