View Full Version : Sizzling sound at base of neck?

07-09-08, 21:33
A couple of years ago I would have this symptom, usually when lying down. It's just a sizzling sound at the base of my neck going up my head a tiny bit. BUt mostly in neck. There is no pain, and I am not moving at all so it is not bones. I didn't have it for a long time but it is back now!

I am scared because I have read things about brain tumors. I'm also being evaluated for an eye problem (swelling of optic nerve) so now I'm concerned about MS or something called Psuedo Tumor Cerebri.

I did read one thing that said it is "normal percolating of the spinal fluid", whatever that means!

I had an MRI done a couple of years back when I was having some weird, similar symptoms...and it was negative..but they didn't do any other tests and also my optic nerve wasn't swollen at the time either.

I am pregnant, and I was pregnant before when my weird stuff started...but I can't understand why all of this would begin when I'd had two pregnancies prior to that one where I felt fine.

I also have head/sinus pressure, dizziness, headaches, tons of floaters, and dizzy "zaps" where I'm just sitting or standing there and all of a sudden I feel a jolt (not adrenaline type) and almost fall over. It's like a jolt i nmy head, and I almost fall. I've had these symptoms before by WHY???

I just feel like I'm falling apart and I have a tumor/spinal fluid problem. :weep:

I go back to the eye dr tomorrow to run some more tests for that...but I am afraid of another MRI. Afraid of what they might find and of having a reaction to the dye.

I'm just scared. I'm tired of weird symptoms that no one can figure out. I swear it was that dumb flu shot I had when I was pregnant last time. :lac:

07-09-08, 22:14
if this also makes your head feel funny too when the sizziling happens then i've had that same symtoms for years now x

08-09-08, 19:43
Yeah I get that!!!! I SO GET THAT! I've never known how to describe it but I think mine is sizzling too..and i the neck! I've had it forever...but it's incrased with my HA. I think it's no biggie.

If you've had alll these symptoms bf and you are still here than you are fiiiiiine. You don't have a brain tumor!!! Honey I get zaps, floaters, flashing lights in front of my eyes all the time...also headaches.

Eat well for two, sleep, be happy, get out and walk. read a book, spend time with family...you are fine!

02-06-13, 02:23
Kimmie Pie - did you ever find out what those sizzling sensations are?

02-06-13, 02:42
I have that too... and that's what first triggered my panic attacks. It's the bones. I did a x-ray to the cervical area because of that and they explained me that the vertebrae at the neck are very... loosened. Lol I'm sorry, I don't know the correct term in English.
Now that I know it is harmless I don't care about it at all so I don't feel it that much anymore. :)

02-06-13, 02:53
I always thought it was acid reflux or something, as mine often seems to correlate with being hungry :)

14-12-18, 12:52
Bumping this because I've noticed this the last week or so.

The sizzling comes from tiny gas bubbles slipping from your stomach up through the esophagus and into your throat.

Since my stomach has been making all sorts of noises/rumbles sounds since coming back from holiday this neck sizzling has occurred.