View Full Version : noise sensitivity ...

07-09-08, 22:02
I've been struggling over the past few days with an old 'friend'. Noise intolerance.

If it's not the fridgefreezer making 'water trickling' noises, it's that there's something wrong with the sound on the tv. Or the radiators are squeaking.

I've always been noise sensitive. But sometimes it becomes completely unbearable. To the point that I can feel suicidal.

I wondered if anyone else has felt like this. I feel like I'm going mad.

Take care ♥

milly jones
07-09-08, 22:12
i totally undertsand

sometimes i want to lock myself away somewhere silent to get peace

it upsets me so much tht i get so irritated with my son

i should love the busy noises of a happy carefree child but i dont

i snarl and shout and end up isolating myself from him, and worse of all make him think its his fault

then i get so cross with my self for being such a bad mother again

thus completeing the circle of poor self esteem

milly xxxxxxxxxxxx

08-09-08, 01:15
I am very sensitive to any type of sound. We had a housefull of kids, and I worked at home, so I think I grew immune to that over time. The noise that kids make in the neighborhood, to me at least, is acceptable, and does not bother me. I know that they'll only be kids for a short time. But most other sounds I find very stressful. I totally understand having to listen to the low frequency of the lamp outside the house mentioned above. THAT would be over the line for me. I'm glad you moved away from it.

08-09-08, 15:44
I would be interested to know if you think anxiety is intensified by noise sensitivity or whether noise sensitivity is a symptom of anxiety????what do u think?

I think it is just a marker for a very sensitive nervous system overall -- anxiety present or not.

It usually isn't limited to noise. If there's one sensitivity, one will more than likely find other sensitivities as well. Such as:

Heightened sensitivity to flashing, spinning lights; to the sense of touch; to news reports; to the feelings of others; to the general "feel" of a room of people (good or bad vibes, etc.); the list really is just about endless, since we experience the entire world through our senses to begin with.

But, we're also very blessed with our sensitivities: when at the right level, and not overpowering, there's few who can match our intense enjoyment of the stimuli . . . i.e., beautiful music; the right touch; a good laugh; a beautiful sunset, etc.

So those are the things that I try to fill my life with.

08-09-08, 18:43
I would agree entirely with what you've said.

On a 'good' day, I can acknowledge the postives of being highly/over sensitive.

I'm just not having good days at the moment, so I think my sensitive nature is working against me, not for me.

All I can do is hang in there ... but it's draining.

Take care ♥

08-09-08, 18:53

I can go from being hyper sensitive to noise to my hearing being reall dulled , it's awful :(
I sympathise!

H x