View Full Version : a little help

08-09-08, 00:26
FOr the last 2 months i had panic disorder and constant anxiety that would not stop unless i was sleeping, it has gotten soooo much better and i usually get a panic attack anddont even know its there really unless i get the feeling that nothing is real kinda thing, well now that this is all ending my stomach is driving me insane and it wont leave me alone, it started with beign bloated and tight which i was constipated then it led to being almost raw feeling like it was getting eaten( i mean my whole abdominal) not just upper part, then i had to go to the bathroom like 4 times in a row, and the eating feeling doesnt go away, and sometimes i get this tickle in my belly button that makes me naseus i went to the docotor finally this morning becase i am sick of it and he cant find anything wrong, but gave me prevacid to calm down the acid, has anyone else experienced this or is it just me? it seems like its gone when i go to bed but as soon as i open my eyes its there

08-09-08, 05:05
Did the doctor do any tests at all?
I have been having a similar problem for a year now. I had pancreatitis in November and they did not know what caused it. Ever since I have had a pain under the right side of my ribs. Sometimes it isnt there and sometimes it gets really really bad. But I have had xrays, ultrasounds, bloodworks and a CAT scan and everything looks completely normal. But the pain is still there. It is extremely frustrating. Could it be anxiety? I guess maybe. But it is still worrisome much like yours.
I hope we both can find some kind of answers!!!

08-09-08, 17:37
No the doctor didnt do any tests and he couldnt feel anythng in my stomach he mostly said my stomach is so acidicy from the stress and anxiety, and i am kind of starting to think that its because i ddint eat for almost 3 weeks maybe a meal every two or three days, that my stoamch is not used to me eating normal meals becuase i have been jumping around from the runs to being constipated since my appetite came back, and i am thinking maybe my stomach isnt used to having to digest anything, and my therapist also said taht my stomach isnt used to working so i am thinking it is probably anxiety related im not in pain at all just feel like i am being eaten in there and i get butterflies alot.