View Full Version : kidney pain?...cannot be anxiety caused, right?

08-09-08, 05:37
Ok, I am having some pain in my left side. Its my kidney that is really really sore. In my back, and around the side. I know its my kidney, its really really tender, and sometimes like a stabbing kind of pain. But its been hurting a couple of days, mostly today, Just super super tender.
My question is....thats probably something serious, something wrong with me, right? Like a kidney stone, or something?
That cant be caused by anxiety, right? I know so many of our symptoms are caused by our stress and anxiety and by constant checking of ourselves. But kidney pain....thats gotta be something serious eh? Like...I cant just CAUSE that myself....its not like a muscle that just gets tight and tense from anxiety.
I just get so scared of tests and exams and operations and stuff....I really dont want kidney pain. I hear its just the worst kind of pain.
Is it possible to just get random kidney pain from time to time, and its nothing? Theres nothing wrong with your kidneys, you just once in awhile get kidney pain? Or does it mean there is something wrong?
Sorry, I know Im rambling, but I just have never felt kidney stuff before, and it doesnt seem caused by anxiety and I automatically think that if it hurts, it means there is something wrong.
Not feeling great about this, and I dont want to go get tests and stuff.....
Anybody ever feel this, and nothing happens???? Please?

08-09-08, 05:46
hmm, well see your doctor I guess, it could just be back pain. i get alot of back pain in my left side and my lower back, i guess where the kidneys are.
but since you said it hurts when you touch it,
but if it is kidney stones, 90% of the time you will pass them.

08-09-08, 10:35
Are you having any pain when urinating, do you find you need to go to the loo a lot or have cloudy urine? Those are often signs of kidney problems. If your urination is totally normal then that's a good sign. Lower back pain could have lots of different causes. If the pain isn't getting any better and is really bothering you then I'd visit your doctor. Good luck :)

08-09-08, 12:09
I would go to the Dr with a urine sample and get it checked out. Could be a kidney infection. No tests except the urine test is needed to check this out so it's painless. They will most likely send the urine to the hospital lab to see what 'strand' of infection it is and then be more selective about what anit'B's to give you.

Anti-B's usually sort the job out but the longer you leave it the more painful and harder it is to shift.

LeeBee is right - have a look at your urine but my urine always looks fine - I can only tell there is an issue because I get that tell-tale backache. So nag nag - go and see the Dr with some wee.

It could also be constipation as that can in some people cause similiar backaches!

I have kidney probs and I don't want to scare you but the pain can be worse than labour pains if you don't get it checked out and you leave it... BUT that is extreme and you needn't go through that at all.

Even if they think it could be kidney stones they usually do an ultrasound scan that only involves gel on your tummy and they use a scanner across your tum. But they can give you good pain relief !!

chris q
08-09-08, 20:19
look dont worry i have been having this as well if you check my post i done won a bit ago called pain in the left side of my tummey its like a dull ake from time to time is a bit sharp is this what you are feeling so glad some one els on here has this so i know ist just my anxiety and its just yours to so now we can both stop worrying talk to me if you need to all the best chris

jacks 6
08-09-08, 20:45
i have been admitted to hospital twice in the last few months due to kidney pain, had ct scan, bladder scan, and numerous blood tests all of which came back clear, i to feel this must be anxiety related as the more i think about the pain the worse it tends to be

09-09-08, 06:52
My kidneys hurt after a panic attack. The adrenals sit on top of our kidneys and I think my kidney pain must have something to with the adrenaline that is pumped out during that time. Also I shake so badly during a PA that between the adrenaline and shaking my kidneys hurt afterward for a few hours.

Though it certainly wouldn't hurt to get it checked out for peace of mind.

09-09-08, 10:35
I would certainly get it checked out, you're describing what my hubby had, he used to roll around on the bed with the pain crying it hurt so bad.
It turned out to be 1/2 a dozen kidney stones but they passed.
Please don't be frightened of kidney stones they are quite common, but renal pain if that is what you are getting is excrutiating and you need to be seen.

I'm not a doctor so thats just my opinion, but i'd hate to think of you suffering the kind of pain my hubby had.

Good Luck

10-09-08, 00:32
No, the pain isnt that bad at all. Its not constant, like it doesnt happen everyday. Its more my head than anything you guys....I feel a little bit of pain there once in a while, and then it goes away. But the anxiety stays in my head.....
And its not following a panic attack or anything, it came out of nowhere. I mean, I was feeling really good, I was driving, I was feeling really happy, and relieved actually that I was having such a good day. And then the pain came on, and then went away. And it wasnt bad pain, I thought it was mild, but then my mind starts getting all worked up.

10-09-08, 05:23
I have had kidney pain that comes and goes. Sometimes once a month or less but when it happens it is quite painful. I do have a stone in my left kidney but it has been there for years and has not moved at all.
People with anxiety tend to feel everything so much stronger than others as we are so in tune to our bodies. It defintely would not hurt to get it looked at.

10-09-08, 08:55

I have suffered with kidney infections for the past 15 years. I was admitted early this year where they found kidney stones. I get aches in my side all the time but now and again i get sharp stabbing pains or electric shock feelings, apparently this is when they are moveing around. Go to the docs and explain the pain and the will send you for a scan

Hope this helps hun

Anna x

10-09-08, 16:54
Yeah Anna...Mine is just an ache too. Its not like a sharp stabbing pain, its like an ache on my side.....and it just comes from time to time. Last week, then yesterday and then today.... But its not like a pain that is with me and never leaves me. Its there, and then its gone. And its pretty mild, its just an ache.
But my pee isnt cloudy or anything, which i know usually means an infection. SO...Im going to try and go to the doctor today. TRY! I have such a phobia of doctors and tests and stuff...I dont feel comforted by them, I feel so panicked by them.
Its so hard for me to actually go to the doctor. My heart starts racing while I am in there and all I want to do is get out of there. I almost leave alot of the time. But I think they would probably just send me for a scan and a urine test, right?

Captain America
10-09-08, 18:12
yep. just a urine test, and maybe an ultrasound which is non invasive and if anything tickles a little.

i had kidney pain and frequent urination. they didn't find anything, so yeah it's possible anxiety can cause it. it's good to check out though so you know it's only anxiety.