View Full Version : arms and legs feel disconnected

08-09-08, 06:25
im new here and i do have anxiety disorder. resently i been having these feeling at time where it almost feel like my arms are disconnected from my body. almost like i cant feel them even though i do feel pain and sensation. sometimes when i walk it feels like my legs go missing and i feel of balabce when that happens. i fear it something bad. one thing i did notice was that what freaks me out is if i touch something when i move, realizing that only my hand feels touch and not my rest of my arm doesnt freaks me out.. weird i knnow but i dont know what to do.. I fear its MS or worse....:weep:

08-09-08, 12:21
Hi there, welcome to NMP :)

What you describe does sound like something that can be caused by anxiety - numbness is a common anxiety symptom, as described on the symptoms page


Balance problems and weakness in the limbs can be caused by anxiety too. When feeling particularly panicky or anxious my legs sometimes go weak and rubbery, and I get numbness/tingling and trembling in the hands quite often too. Always worth getting yourself checked by a doctor if you haven't already when you get symptoms that you've never had before, to put your mind at rest. Hope you feel better soon :)