View Full Version : Freaking out about mole

08-09-08, 11:20
I have a raised mole on my face near my eye that has slowly (very slowly) grown over the years. I asked my doctor about it about 3 months ago on a routine visit. She said she didn't think that it was anything to worry about for now but that I should probably get it removed in the next 6-12 months. She referred me to a plastic surgeon because it's so close to my eye. Anyway, I kind of put the referral to one side, then I had a really long viral illness (cue a bunch of other HA worries) so it wasn't a priority... Now I've just been looking at it and I swear it has changed a bit. Not a lot, but a bit. And I'm freaking out. I haven't made an appointment with the plastic surgeon and apparently it can take months to get one. I'm scared I've got a melanoma stuck to my face... Should I go back to my doctor? I'm going to make an appointment with the plastic surgeon tomorrow but I'm just really worried that my recent illness is a sign of something more sinister... or is that just stupid???

08-09-08, 13:14
your doctor would know if it was melanoma dont worry your be fine

08-09-08, 13:29
Hiya Lee

I would try not to worry too much about this, I will share with you what happened to my mum last week, I do not wish to alarm anyone over this but it may aleivate someones fears whom is worrying about their gp or hospital dr not noticing any changes in moles etc what they are anxious about.

My mum went to GP after noticing some changes in a mole on her leg, the gp looked at it and said that she was concerned and referred her to a mole clinic at a hospital.
On attending the clinic the Dr there agreed it looked nasty and booked my mum in the next day to have it removed. (this was on Friday and mum has to go back in the next two weeks to have her results).
So the point of this tale is that if your dr had any doubts as to anything being serious, they would refer you straight away, they would not simply send you away telling you not to worry etc etc, it would be more than their careers was worth.

I repeat if the dr was concerned they would act straight away and not fob you off.

Hope you are feeling better soon.



08-09-08, 16:36
well since you having it removed i asume they will test the mole for skin cancer? it is very important to get your moles cheacked out.

09-09-08, 11:29
Thanks all to all who replied. I am calmer about it now. Whatever is going on, a few more weeks and the darn thing will be removed. Looking at it now I'm still not sure if it has changed or not. Thank you HA :blush:.

21-09-08, 20:11
I would ask to be reffered to a dermatologist by your doc they are the best people to look at it they know what they are looking for they found my cancer in a mole. I had to wait 3 months for the appointment after asking the doc tto be reffered.

21-10-08, 07:39
Just thought I'd post an update on my mole. I had a consultantion with a plastic surgeon today to talk about having it removed. I actually made it to the appointment this time :blush:. The surgeon said that he would be "very surprised" if the mole was not benign, and went through my options for having it removed. I think I will get it taken off, otherwise I will just worry about it always. I'll have a little scar beside my eye but that doesn't matter. I was really relieved to hear him say that it looked benign to him (though as he said, you can never be 100% sure) and that moles "are allowed to grow slowly". They're just not allowed to grow fast!