View Full Version : Me again - anxiety symptoms?

08-09-08, 12:46
Hello, as a few of you know i have posted 2 other posts on here about acid reflux but i wanted to tell you whats happening with me to see if what i am experiencing is infact anxiety symptoms. I have read the symptoms page but they dont exactly fit with those.

Ok so my main symptoms are

heavy chest, which i think i can say that if i think about it too much i start focusing on my breathing.

heavy throat ( if that makes sense) feels like something is pushing on the base of my throat causing me to cough and im so scared its the big C

tickle in throat that feels like a hair is stuck and its driving me nuts.

Im so scared that if i cough and i keep coughing its just another symptom i have to tick off for lung cancer.

this all started about a week and a half ago which is exactly when i went through my worst anxiety. These symptoms last all day everyday and im stuck in a vicous circle as from the second i wake up, until i shut my eyes this is all i think about and how scared i am of dying. I want to forget about it but i can't. Does this sound like anxiety?

Thanks for all your help, especially those who have already helped me


08-09-08, 13:42

Yes it does sound like anxiety, I have had acid reflux and have worried about cancer too. I have made myself be really busy over the weekend so busy I am still really tired, but my symptoms are a lot better and I haven't even noticed them today, not until I started typing. Anxiety can cause all sorts of really vivid and real symptoms. I am only just starting to understand it. Please try not to worry (easier said than done I know). Lots of love xxxxxxxxxxx

09-09-08, 17:35
Oh my god I could have written that post myself!! I am in such a state today, terrified I have lung cancer. Feel like crying, feel so frantic. My symptoms are: Weird, heavyish, kinda 'clunky' chest....... and my throat feels tight. So far I haven't had a cough, but I'm really focusing on whether I need to cough...... waiting for that symptom to begin........ and now I feel a tickle in my throat!

09-09-08, 18:22

I have just got back from the docs about the results of my endoscopy a few weeks back. The endoscopy confirmed acid reflux causing inflamation in my upper respitory tract and oesophagus and a hiatus hernia.

These have been my symptoms for the last few months;
Horrible taste in my mouth.
Chest pains.
Constant swallowing.
Nausea (particulary in the morning).
Stomach pains (if I eat too late or the wrong things)

The cough was freaking me out - its like a constant tickle deep inside my throat/upper chest area and I cough to try and relieve it. The doc said it is very common with what I've got. My anxiety just makes it all worse - I have good days and bad days. Yesterday. I was working in the garden all day and hardly thought about it.
Anyway, I was on ranitadine and doc wants me to try omeprazole - so I will see if they help.

Hope that helps


10-09-08, 10:08
i have been having acid reflus for the last week or so i get it about once a month when i start getting stressed out, please dont worry you would know if it was cancer or anything serious i promise. xx

10-09-08, 10:29
A tight and heavy chest are typical symptoms of anxiety. Then because we start rasping for breath it dries our throat out and then leads to a tickly cough. Anxiety is a monkey for mimicking other illnesses. We develop these symptoms through panic and they make us panic more. I do not think you will have lung cancer but if you can't stop worrying then i suggest you visit your gp who will be able to put your mind at rest. :)

10-09-08, 13:51
Hello All, thank you for all your responses. I'm still really suffereing with my congested feeling in my throat & am convinced its something bad. I have a docs appointement on Monday and i'm going to speak to him about getting something for my anxiety as i cant carry on like this. Im really just so worried that i have had these symptoms for over 2 weeks now and antibiotics havent worked :(X

10-09-08, 14:40

Poor you, I posted saying I was feeling better but my symptoms are back with a vengence and I am wondering about going back to docs too. tight chest, cough, lump in throat and now a tingling tonge and fluttering in my neck, when will it all end..... Hope you get on ok at the docs on Monday please let us know. I was fine yesterday doh.....