View Full Version : HELLO

08-09-08, 12:52
I'm obviously new to this and found this website through searching for answers to do with my current feelings and strains with my throat.

Today i finally put a name to my throat problems (Globus Hystericus) and found out that i'm not the only person who suffers from this which is a relief as you feel very alone with your feelings.

I suffer with my throat feeling very tight, like being strangled and them like its strained and gramp feelings. I've been bad since february this year, but i suffered from something similar about 5 years ago but didnt feel like this and wasn't painful. This time around its very painful, unconfortable and this make me panic somethime when its at it's worst...


08-09-08, 14:24
Hiya Deez, Welcome to NMP its great to have you here
As you read some of the posts under health anx you will see that you are deffo not alone with this.

08-09-08, 21:14
:welcome: xx

08-09-08, 22:19
Hi Deez

I have the same problem with throat so look up my posts about it. Horrid isn't it?

:welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

08-09-08, 23:33
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

08-09-08, 23:55
Hi and welcome, Im sure you will find lots of new friends here.xxx I too have Globus Hystericus

09-09-08, 00:17
Hello and welcome. I often have throat problems also. It is like it is constantly clogged and I sound froggy. I don't like it.

09-09-08, 09:50
:welcome: to the site. I went through a period of throat probs and its really horrible and scarey, but its good to know that your not alone and there are people who can help you through xx

milly jones
09-09-08, 16:27
:welcome: hi and a warm welcome to no more panic

hugs :bighug1:

milly xxx

10-09-08, 00:46
Welcome to the forum!

12-09-08, 13:33
Hello Deez And Welcome , I Wish Ya Well, Linda

13-09-08, 23:35
I had the same problem about 6 yrs ago, I thought it would never go, it was awfull i lost 2 st in wieght at the time as well ,the feelng of pressure on my adams apple (if you know what i mean ) i would start heaving , i was never sick but just this terrible feeling of a really tight throat. It was anxiety that caused it , and it gradually went away. I found that chewing gum used to help me, maybe give it a try. I now have chest pain instead--- dont know which is the worst!!!!