View Full Version : Scared about Citalopram

08-09-08, 15:05
Hi there

My doctor has prescribed me 2 months worth of 20mg Citalopram. I have never taken an anti-depressant in my life and am scared. I was signed off work Sept 06 with stress, and after about 3 months of not working, I started to lose all confidence and then developed mild depression and have panic and anxiety attacks. I wanted to get better on my own but I don't seem to be and I really want to get a little part-time job somewhere, not only for financial reasons, but for my own self worth and confidence. I am scared about the side effects as the panic attacks are the things that scare me the most, and I know this is a side effect.

Should I cut the 20mg tablets in half to begin with? I took one today and immediately started getting all panicky and felt anxious! I know it wasn't the tablet but me....but it scared me.

How do these tablets work? Don't they just fool you into thinking you are better but when you come off them, you're not?

I suppose I find it easier to understand taking a migraine tablet, when I have a migraine, or an antibiotic when I have an infection but don't understand how a tablet can change your state of mind.

08-09-08, 16:28
I would take the dosage your gp has prescribed.Im on citalopram to.When I first went back on them they gave me side affects of feeling sick and being very tired.This passed after two week's.I am very nervouse of taking med's to and I never read the side affects on the leaflet cos I know I shall have everything on it!!!!:ohmy:
Give them a try,if you are not happy go back and see your gp.

09-09-08, 14:32
I'd take 10mg to startuntil the side effects wear off,then increase to20mg.
The tablets work by increasing serotonin levels in the brain.I take them for anxiety and they work for that too,but I don't know how.Anyone know why they work for panic/anxiety?
julie x:hugs:

09-09-08, 15:50

You really need to start with the dose your GP has recommended you take. 20mg is in fact the standard dose for Citalopram & can be increased to a max of 60mg if remember correctly. Cutting the prescribed dose would in fact have very little benefits to treating your depression and anxiety as this dose has been tested in studies & has seen to work effectively in controlling the symptoms associated with your condition.

The SSRI's work by acting on the neurotransmitters of the brain, the chemical pathways if you like. When serotonin is released it acts to increase your mood. It is when serotonin is low we suffer with the symptoms of anxiety, depression, migraines etc When the tablet is finally absorbed, which takes around 4 weeks the level of serotonin in our cells is contained at a stable level, enough for it to be absorbed into the brain in order to regain a feeling of well being.

Citalopram is very safe & very effective in treating depression & anxiety and for many people has very little side effects. You may experience gastrointestinal effects (nausea, stomach upset) but they should soon resolve.

I would certainly suggest you stick with your prescribed dose & to also give the drug a fee weeks to kick in & stabalise your condition. I have no doubt you will feel much better in no time.

Best wishes x

09-09-08, 17:24

See my post under Yay to Citalopram, they have really helped me and I am sure they will you too :)

purple to black
11-09-08, 15:00
Been prescribed Citalopram and am terrifed to take them, dont know if i can cope with the increased anxiety (im assuming ill get them) also i have a phobia of taking tablets so much so i wont even take a headache pill.
I know i need to take them to help me feel better but the overwhleming sense of fear i feel is driving me mad and then i get annoyed at myself for being stupid.
What if something bad happens to me?
What if they dont work and i go through all that for nothing?
Am i ever going to be rid of this anxiety/panic

13-09-08, 08:32
Hi sweety. I was on 20mg Citalopram and had major pannick attack last night after taking my 1st one.You better off asking ur doctor to let u hav some Diazepam to use instead. when im a crisis as i get NO side effects from them (diazepam) at all and WOW they help too!! am on 2mg Diazepam and as long as u take them say once every time u need them ur fine and WONT get addicted. The addictions happen if if u take loads every day xxx

13-09-08, 19:09
10 mg would just about control the panic/anxiety attacks but 20 mg is really the treatment dose for panic/depression 2 months and you should be feeling a lot better, when you feel better and come off i think your serotonin levels should be " normal " again....and with some therapy you should be ok...3-6 months is the shortest period for taking the med...

14-09-08, 20:43
Hi all
As with all anti-depressants, some people are more susceptible to side effects than others. Any reasonable GP should agree to you taking 10mg to begin with (you could even try 5mg for just a few days) and then build up.

I took citalopram for several years for anxiety. It helped a lot and the side effects on starting were mild compared to some of the other SSRIs.

Good luck!