View Full Version : Is this anxiety related or something else?

08-09-08, 16:23
Well i'v been feeling off colour for a number of weeks now. Had a highish temprature and also now my glands in my throat are raised and in my groins. The DR has described me as a conundrum and is not sure whats wrong with me :(. I had some blood tests last week but all came back normal and i'm having more next week checking more specifically for other infection types.
Also having a urine test and a chest xray :( I'm getting very worried now about this as i'm finding so hard to even walk at the moment, like i have no energy at all. Can you have raised glands ect with anxiety? Dunno what to do at the moment, i'v never felt so ill in my life.



08-09-08, 18:45
Has your doc not mentioned glandular fever

di x

08-09-08, 21:28
Ty for the reply.

Yes she has, the next batch of blood tests will cover that too. Also have a really bad pain in the lower part of my back, kinda like cramp. Same side as my apendix, but i'v had them out. Just really fed up at the moment :( feel so lousy and its been ongoing for a long time now. Anxiety wise i dont seem to be doing to bad. Unless this is all axiety related in which case i'm having a real mare.

Thankyou again


09-09-08, 08:24
I had a "mystery" virus for several weeks recently. My doc was stumped. I had blood tests for glandular fever, toxoplasmosis, a white cell count, haemoglobin, blood sugar, inflammatory markers, thyroid. All came back fine (thank goodness). My glands were up for 6-7 weeks - sometimes huge and painful - and I seemed to have a series of lingering infections: sinuses, inner ear (temp was up with this one), middle ear. All took ages to go away. I felt so tired and drained the whole time, sometimes could barely get out of bed. BUT I am finally getting over it. I really did think it would never go away. The doctor still doesn't know what it was, except that it seemed to be viral and might be related to being run down and stressed. I had an upset stomach the whole time too - sometimes with discomfort in my lower torso/bowel area.

Anyway, my point is that unidentifiable viruses can do all kinds of weird stuff to you, especially if your immune system is at a low ebb. It's good that you're getting blood tests as these should reveal if there is something else going on. And I'd say keep going back to the doctor regularly if your temp and glands stay up or if you get any new symptoms.

I totally understand where you're coming from worrying about this, I ran through dozens of possible diseases in my mind while I was ill. Look after yourself - a multi vitamin and an oil supplement might boost up your immune system - lots of fluids, nourishing food and rest.

Hope you feel better soon :).

10-09-08, 21:24
Ty for the reply

Sounds like exactly like what i'v been having :(. Had a few more blood tests yesterday for glandular fever ect and all came back negative. Might sound odd, but i was dissapointed in a way as it would have ment some closure. I too am struggling getting out of bed, and when i do get on my feet i fell very nausious and go very pale and generally feel ill. The dr did say it looked like some kind of virus, but also did hint that my anxiety might also be fueling it, like you said being ran down wont help. Got my first meet with a counciler next week and to be honest it carnt come soon enough.
Just want some closure really, i just want to get back to some sort or normality again, i just feel so drained at the moment.

Thanks so much


11-09-08, 00:06
leebee, that is so refreshing to for me to hear.

Don't get me wrong that is so awful for you to suffer with, however you are describing symptoms that i am going through, i don't ever feel they are going to end, this damn anx is so awful,i hope i recover the way you are doing.

di xx

11-09-08, 07:52
Glad it helped diane07 :).

Kenboon, I completely understand how you feel about the blood tests. At one point I'd convinced myself that I had glandular fever and had a feeling of disappointment when I first heard that the test was negative - I thought: if it's not that, then what the hell is it?! I felt like I would have been reassured to hear that it was glandular fever, at least I know what that is and the doctor could have treated it.

My anxiety levels became really high as the illness went on week after week. Every time I woke up in the morning and found my glands had come up AGAIN for like the hundreth time I felt like weeping with frustration and fear, and sometimes I did.

Even when I started to feel OK I got loads of anxiety symptoms which made me think that I'd got yet another infection or some syndrome or other. My doctor patiently gave me blood tests to reassure me and explained that many of my symptoms could be explained by anxiety. In the moments when I managed to be calm and relaxed, many of the anxiety symptoms went away (dry mouth, palpitations, leg weakness, severe trembling) and this convinced me that that's what they were.

I've had an ulcerated throat this week (these often follow viral illness), but my over the last two weeks my energy levels have come back up and I feel stronger. You WILL get better eventually. I know it doesn't feel like it now, but you will. Be patient with your body, help your immune system do it's job and be kind to yourself. Good luck with your counselling, hope it helps:).

11-09-08, 23:21
Thanks for the reply
Think its just all the unknowns, like you say not knowing if its anxiety related or something else. My whole body always feels so hot and clamy and i'v had 2 pritty bad attacks too today :( One at the DRS when my legs went like jelly and the next where i went really hot again and thought i was going to die. I just feel like lieing down and begging for help at the moment, i just feel so helpless i just want to get better :( Been off work for almost 2 months now because of this whole anxiety, unkown virus bit. Its also putting serious strain on my relationship with my girlfreind too, which in turn is making me more anxious, she just doesnt know how to be with me. I'm just trying to find the right way to go about this and try and recognise any symptoms that may crop up and deal with them in turn. Just started some minadex today to try and boost my amune system abit. Hopefully this will give me a boost to rid this virus and then i can try and work on the anxiety. I'm just looking for the light at the end of the tunnel right now, but i'm finding it so damn hard at the moment.

Thanks as always
