View Full Version : Nooooooooo!!!!!!!!

08-09-08, 18:18
Not feelin all that good today.......pain in my arm started my panic attack of slighty. feelin pretty rough today thought my meds where finally kickin in tut!!!! The back of my head and right down my neck is killin like a full on pressure not nice. Soooooooo fed up with this s***. ARGHHHHHHHHHHH.

08-09-08, 19:20
sounds like stress and anxiety. you have got to calm down. try a hot bath. force yourself to relax.

09-09-08, 21:04
You need to try to relax, try doing something you love to do. For EX I paint when im stressed or feel a panick attack comming on. Try to do somthing the will take your mind off it.

If that doesnt help, ill tell you what my doctor recomended to me.

Stand up, imagine lifting a heavy weight, tense up your musles and gradually lift the weight over your head. Try that, it helps me alot.

hope this helps,


09-09-08, 21:14
Get a warm bath and put on some relaxing music, tell yourself that it's anxiety (which it is) and calm yourself down. I undertand that it's easier said than done but you are not going to feel better until you have calmed down. If that does'nt help why don't you go into the NMP chat room as this might take your mind of the panic.

10-09-08, 00:35
Defintely dont let one day set you back. Do something that will refocus you. Anything at all. We all have days with our set backs, I am having one today as well. But I will not let it get control. Huge hugs, feel better soon!!