View Full Version : Me again.....scared myself big time

08-09-08, 18:20
Hi Everybody

I have completly scared myself big time, i work in a hospital, and have been having an aching around my ribs and back for about 2 weeks now, it just started one night, and hasnt really gone away, well i went to the docs a couple of weeks back thinking it may be a urine infection he said i had a trace of blood in the sample and gave me antibiotics, which i took but still had the pains, went back again and the doc said urine was completly clear must have a virus or something to do with stomach probs (thinks maybe ulcer) well still getting the pains not as bad today, but i did another urine sample and there was traces of protien the girls at work said they dont really bother with that, that much but i should send of my sample for testing as i have had a couple of things shown up, so when i came home from work i goolged (i know) protein in the urine, and it says that a lot of protein in the urine can be a cause of Meloma (blood cancer) and you get symptoms of pain in the ribs and lower back, im completly freaked out now and very scared.

All of my last blood results came back fine and doc was pleased, ive really scared myself this time and im really panicking please help!

08-09-08, 18:33
Hey there i know exactly how you feel, if you've read any of my posts you'll see how ive been completely freaking myself out.
Yet still my hands today had the temptation of google all over them.
All i can say to you is tht if all your last bloods came back ok and you still have same symptoms but not as bad i dont think its anything serious like blood cancer etc i think you would have a lot more symptoms,plus you didn't have loads of protein just little traces, but i would defo see your doc if only to put your mind at rest, cause lets face it it's the worry and the not knowing tht drives us insane.
I just wish i could take my own advice , why is tht?? Let us know how things go and am sure you will be fine, if only we could ban google not a good combination for us HA sufferers . xx

08-09-08, 19:38
Surely if it was cancer of the blood, something abnormal would have sown up in your bloods?! Some poeple do just 'leak' proteins a little bit into their urine - it could be perfectly normal for you. I'd go back to the doc, explain your worries and he can reassure you hopefully!

08-09-08, 20:07
My dad has a bit of blood and protein in his urine almost everytime he gets a urine test...and he's a perfectly healthy man. He's had this going on for about 15 years now!

You do not have blood cancer...I wish you hadn't googled!!!!!! I still have HA but I haven't googled in about a month. It really helps.

aching back is very normal and pain around ribs can be gas. I think you're gonna be ok very soon!

08-09-08, 20:37
Thanks guys it really means a lot that you have post replys, i keep telling myself to stop being stupid, and to stop worrying until i know i have something to worry about yeah right!!!!!

08-09-08, 22:58
I have leaky kidneys- just means my filters are bigger than normal and I leak trace amounts of blood and protein all the time - I was fine until about 20 yrs ago when they introduced those damn dip tests which are so sensitive they pick up minutest trace. So everytime I have to give a routine urine sample i have to go into great explanations about my leaky kidneys and no chance of getting through A%E without my sample being sent off to check for infection which is always negative( fingers crossed!).

My friend had multiple myeloma so have first hand experience of this unfortunetly and you would not have normal blood test results - she went into hospital for ovarian cyst removal and the routine bloods showed lots of very high abnormalities - I remember one of the tests ESR that in a healthy person is below 14 was over 200 in her- this didn't diagnose myeloma but boy did they know she had some sort of blood cancer. So if you have normal bloods you don't have any type of blood or bone marrow cancer.

08-09-08, 23:09
every time I do a urine sample they said there is protein in it so I go back and do another sample and then it is fine!

No idea why this happens but it has been the last 3 times that it has!