View Full Version : Burning Mouth Syndrome

08-09-08, 18:21
Hi guys,

Those that know me will know that i have been suffering with my mouth for a long time, after having blood tests done and nobody still knows whats up with me, i decided to google.

Something i never do.............
I looked up all the worst things that it could possibly be, all the cancers of the world, and i think i've found out what it is.

I will definately know tomorrow as i have an appointment with the dentist, anyway its called BURNING MOUTH SYNDROME, i was so relieved when i saw this as it explains exactly what i'm suffering with.
My mouth constantly feels like its on fire except i don't have it when i first wake up.

I've decided to tell you about it because apparently its anxiety related and one of the cures is CBT, unfortunatley i could have it for years, and its one of the reasons i find it difficult to eat, but the relief i feel now is immense, because its not really visible my doctor keeps thinking i'm a hypochondriac, and when i read it today its only a dentist that will know, i was buzzing.

Obviously i have to wait for the dentist to confirm this, but nothing else describes the symptoms that i have other than this.

So i just wanted you all to be aware of another symptom that anxiety and stress can cause, and to make you aware incase someone else is suffering with what i have.

best wishes

Di xx

08-09-08, 19:06
Hi Di

I had this problem a few month ago so can understand how you must be feeling, the burning sensation was horrendous!:ohmy:

I did some reasearch on the internet and like you i found out it can be caused by anxiety related issues. At the time i was brushing my teeth with toothpaste and using mouthwash which made my mouth burn 10 times worse.:ohmy: So dont use it ! I started to use barcarbonate of soda to clean my teeth and in no time the burning sensation went.

Hope that helps
:hugs: :hugs:

08-09-08, 19:22
Cheers for that hun,

I will try it, apparently it is pretty rare to get, how long did you have it for?

Di xx

08-09-08, 19:30
Hi Di

I had it for around 2 weeks, and like you i didnt have it when i got out of bed but got worse as the day went on.

My tongue was the worse, it even had little blisters on !:ohmy:


milly jones
08-09-08, 20:48
di ill be quick cos soooo sleepy, but im so glad uve stopped suffering hnny and have an idea now what this is

hug s

millx xxx

09-09-08, 12:33
Di, so glad you think you might have found a solution to your problem!
Its great to hear positive experiences!
Miss you, havent spoken in ages, hope to catch up soon hun!

Popsy x x x

09-09-08, 13:07
Aww thanks popsy,

Its difficult getting on here as much now i am back in work, funny though pops, you were about to get a text at school time yesterday, i was really struggling hun, anyway i told myself not to be so stupid and dealt with it, the things us poor souls have to deal with hey!

take care hun

di xx

09-09-08, 13:46
i also had this for about a month. Here in the states we have a mouth wash for it that is designed for burning mouth. I hated it and was glad I found the wash. It will go away soon. Now if all the other symptoms went away just as fast.

milly jones
09-09-08, 17:20
what was the name of the mouthwash hunny and di may be able to get it here?

09-09-08, 20:29
Aww i went to my dentist and it is BMS that i have, i've had it for many months now but it has been in mouth and tongue for 8 weeks constant, my dentist was so sympathetic, he said it explains my weight loss and that it is an invisible illness that no doctor or hospital can detect.

The most treasured thing i heard him say was that most people who get this long term believe they have mouth cancer, that was music to my ears because i have been sick of people (not on here) telling me its all in my head, and that i must have health anx.

Well now i can tell them all that that is not the case.
I can go back and tell my doc what i have without him labelling me as a hypochondriac, i was told that the trauma to me personally doing the housemove i did was probably the reason for me getting it.

So all in all after being in so much pain, in my throat, tongue, cheeks and lips, as hateful as it is, i am relieved to know what it is, he never mentioned mouthwashes but i would be grateful to know what it is i'd honestly try anything, he did say mostly menopausal women get it and there is no fast cure.

I don't know what i'd do without you guys on here, as you've been so sympathetic through all my moans and its the one place i have been able to moan without being judged.

So i'll just have to let this run its course but i'm absolutely thrilled that i have been finally diagnosed with something

So hugs to you all for helping me through this over the months

Di xx

milly jones
09-09-08, 20:49
aww di hunny im so glad uv found the answer, i know how worried uv been

did he give u any meds? or tell u how long it will last?

is there anyrthing else u can do to get rid/prevent it?

what about pming gtrgrl and asking her for the name of the mouthwash and then get some shipped over, im sure nat would help send some for u hun

pls take care



(when and if im ever allowed to drive again lol)

milly xxxx

09-09-08, 22:24
I will pm gtrgrl milly, its a difficult one hun because they can only assume that it is anx and stress related, it doesn't come up on any tests that they do, nothing actually eases it. i have given up with trying to eat at the mo as it is too painful so i am on cold stuff that soothes the burning, like milk drinks and smoothies, i am ignoring family and friends at the mo with their advice because all they want to see me do is eat and they don't understand over the last couple of weeks how painful it is.
I have however started making a list of all the cold things i can eat like quiche and salad, the dentist doesn't know how long it will last all he said is if it becomes unbearable he will send me to see a specialist, i've read up all about bms and there doesn't seem to be any fast answers.
I am however going to try a load of different things to try to ease it, a bit like being my own guinea pig.
I just wish at the mo i could take my whole mouth out for a few days to get some relief lol, still there are worse things out there, i'm just happy that its nothing sinister.

We definately have to meet up

di xx

milly jones
10-09-08, 10:18
di have pmed u hun with name of mouthwash

hugs xxxx