View Full Version : dizziness/blurred vision

08-09-08, 19:30
wondering if this is linked to anxiety and if anyone else has experienced it.. extreme sudden dizziness and blurred vision?
and also extreme fatigue? even when just walking around or sitting at a desk.. not exerting too much energy at all?

i picked up a stomach infection whilst abroad travelling a month ago and thought this is what was causing those symptoms. but now i am starting to consider the fact that it might be my anxiety kicking in again?

i also am currently suffering stomach pains particularly on the left hand side and upper abdomen

Hope 2
09-09-08, 12:06
Hi there

I can only relate to the fatigue. I tend to feel like I have run a marathon, usually once the anxiety has subsided. There is tonnes of info on here about symptoms, have u checked it out, hope it reassures you xx

Have you been to your GP about your health concerns ?

Regards Hope xx

09-09-08, 15:22
hi i get the dizzyness and very tired quite often both of which i am told by my gp are associated with my anxiety/panic disorder....lots of people i speak to suffer the same symptoms so we are not alone...i also feel spaced out alot like my eyes are popping out of my head so to speak and get a nasty pain in myhead usually with the dizzyness...hope it gets better for you..chris x

22-02-09, 18:49
I also feel spaced out, a wierd feeling I think my eyesight is going but im convinced it is just anxiety. I have had it for 2 weeks now and getting frustrated. i also had no energy all the time but i feeling more energy now

22-02-09, 21:32

If you scroll down to the bottom of this page there are quite a few threads about the very subject.

Check this link too....
