View Full Version : dont you just love health anxiety...NOT!!!

08-09-08, 20:24
right im gonna list the things i think ive had due to health anxiety here goes:

100,s of heart attacks
brain tumors
blood clots
skin cancer
anurysems(sorry about spelling)
sudden death syndrome(gonna have)
all kind of heart problems
testicular cancer
liver problems
kidney faliure

this lot just to name but a few.Its always the nasty stuff never ...ohh im scared of getting the flu or something and im bloody sick of it.Ive got ectopics through this damn thing and my confidence is shot.i cant hold down a job now as no sooner i feel the panic i have to get home!!!!.sorry about the rant gang(if any of you want to add to my list feel free to do so)

08-09-08, 21:40
Couldn't agree with you more on this one!

I must be the healthiest 'dead' person around (I'll probably snuff it now)!

I've been to A and E so many times they're beginning to think I've got a 'nurse fetish'!

I will always remember my 75th heart attack or was it stroke! Anyway, I remember walking into the casualty department albeit with difficulty because I had testicular and bowel cancer at the time. Also, felt rough anyway because of the brain tumour I was going to get next week.

They couldn't get a proper ECG because my heart had stopped two weeks previous. Any blood tests were out of the question because the whole of my body was in one big blood clot. No chance of oxygen owing to the fact that my lungs were collapsing due to lung disease because I sat next to someone who sneezed three years ago.

I wasn't sure who the nurse was because my eyesight was deteriating owing to going blind. I was completely deaf, although heard every word they said.

Sadly I couldn't eat or drink anything because of the lump in my throat was cancerous and also I had food poisoning through eating a piece of toast that 'tasted funny' 7 years ago.

Would you believe........they still sent me home!!!!!

Misdiagnosed anxiety..........what do they know!!!!!

Honestly.............this country!!!!!!!!

(please note, only some light hearted humour to chuckle at, basically laughing at myself)

Take care.


08-09-08, 21:46
Couldn't agree with you more on this one!

I must be the healthiest 'dead' person around (I'll probably snuff it now)!

I've been to A and E so many times they're beginning to think I've got a 'nurse fetish'!

I will always remember my 75th heart attack or was it stroke! Anyway, I remember walking into the casualty department albeit with difficulty because I had testicular and bowel cancer at the time. Also, felt rough anyway because of the brain tumour I was going to get next week.

They couldn't get a proper ECG because my heart had stopped two weeks previous. Any blood tests were out of the question because the whole of my body was in one big blood clot. No chance of oxygen owing to the fact that my lungs were collapsing due to lung disease because I sat next to someone who sneezed three years ago.

I wasn't sure who the nurse was because my eyesight was deteriating owing to going blind. I was completely deaf, although heard every word they said.

Sadly I couldn't eat or drink anything because of the lump in my throat was cancerous and also I had food poisoning through eating a piece of toast that 'tasted funny' 7 years ago.

Would you believe........they still sent me home!!!!!

Misdiagnosed anxiety..........what do they know!!!!!

(please note, only some light hearted humour to chuckle at, basically laughing at myself)

Take care.


:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: brilliant,you hit the nail on the head with that light hearted look at it.Its the first time ive laughed that hard in a long time,it may be the way to look at it tio help with sorting this thing out.

cheers again


08-09-08, 23:14
I have just laughed very very loudly AND it's late - and hubby's in bed - he must think I've truly lost it.

Horse, at least you can take yourself to A&E! Even if I thought I was having a heart attack or stroke or any other life threatening thing I'd be more scared of sitting in the waiting area of the hospital -------gawd I fink I'd rather die than sit there with chronic panic. Let me die of a heart attack and make it quick - just don't make me sit in a crowded waiting room lol!!!!!

Neil, I just don't understand this health anxiety lark myself - must be awful of course and I sympathise. How the hell can you hold down a job when you suffer any kind of anxiety is my question??? I would love to work but each time I have gone back to work in the past have suffered chronic anxiety before going to the job, whilst doing the job and then all night fearing next day. Oh to be normal eh how wonderful would that be. Correction: sorry that should read "to be ourselves again".

Fantastic post Horse.

09-09-08, 03:40

Its not the illness that will kill us its the fear and worry. I know worry about worrying, we are told that stress is bad for our health.

What next


09-09-08, 07:16
Thanks Horse, for your extremely funny post. A great reminder to us all not to take this damn HA or ourselves so seriously - we've all died a hundred times in our imaginations and yet here we all still are. I would post the little winking smilie but the cancer currently creeping over from the mole next to my eye and the degenerative eye disease that I have prevents me from doing so (wink). I'd add MS to Neilr's list.

11-09-08, 22:34
I was lying in a hotel room panicking last night that I would have a stroke or heart attack and no one would find me until it was too late.

Still hear


11-09-08, 22:41
hi neil, just wanted to send u a hug and Horse always makes me giggle esp being the healthiest dead person alive thing and the nurse fetish thing just had me in fits, that man should be on stage he is so funny, we think u great horse.

i hope u manage to find a way of coping with this hun, i have had it and i only coped with it by distraction and keeping busy and walking lots, also my counselling helped alot. huge hugs and thanku for your support on my thread too. xxxxxxxxx

11-09-08, 23:38
OMG I have never laughed so hard. That was great.