View Full Version : hello advice plz

08-09-08, 21:56
Hello everybody
has anybody ever had tonsil stones(tonsililoths) ?as a few wks ago i had one pop up inside my lft tonsil it was a lil white pocket of puss and it annoyed me every time i swallowed, so i pushed on it wiv a cotton bud and it flew otta my mouth, but now i ave the same feeling on the right side near my tonsil but i cannot c the littler bugger.just wondered if anybody has had this experience or if they have any advice.as its gettin annoying it catches every ime i swallow. i clean my teeth properly and rinse wiv mouth wash so cannot understand this .its jus one of those gross annoyin things u can get. but nobody seems to no much about them.any advice wud b a blessing.:bighug1:

09-09-08, 16:22
See if this helps http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tonsillolith

milly jones
09-09-08, 17:12
i get these hunny and mine just pop out into my mouth

often wondered what they were lol

guess from description its cos of anx and dripping from nose


milly xxx