View Full Version : has anyone else experienced this?

08-09-08, 22:28
i suffer from panic attacks/anxiety and I don't know how relevant this is.. but i think may be some sort of social anxiety.

I am a young female and without sounding arrogant, get a fair bit of male attention. I was overweight and not so attractive when I was younger and so very shy.

I've found that as much as it makes me feel good, like compliments etc, i panic and start getting the sweats, hot flushes, shakes etc when I know a man is taking interest in me..even just looking at me standing in a queue or something. sometimes I will avoid situations where there are crowds of people when i know they will look at me.. and find all of this impossible to deal with or gain confidence with unless I have had a few drinks or something.. which is partly the reason i started taking drugs when i went out some time ago i think, because they give you a false confidence and make you carefree. now that i have given up on all that im really struggling.

has anyone else experienced anything like this? it feels so pathetic and i don't understand it

09-09-08, 15:38
Hi hun :D:hugs:

First of all you ARE NOT pathetic, please, please don't think this, this will only fuel your anxiety.

Hunny, I know its hard for you right know to understand things, after all, anxiety is hard to understand, but you have to pick away at your anxiety, to get to the root cause, then you can work on things.

I am sooo happy to hear you have stopped taking drugs hun, THATS GREAT, you should be soooo proud of yourself :yesyes::hugs:

**I am a young female and without sounding arrogant, get a fair bit of male attention.** yee haaa thats a great way to think, you go girl :yesyes:

but hunny, you say you are shy, we may like the way we look, even love the way we look, BUT deep inside we don't like ourselves very much, are shyness are personality, OR, IT maybe YOU JUST LACK confidance. you have to get to know yourself, get to know how YOU ARE.

I AM alot older than you, mm well a few years LOL I came to understand what caused my pa's, high levels of anxiety. For me, I had been a very shy child, over along, long, period of time, my confidance went, my self asteam went and then a hole lot of other learned behavour too,:lac: hence, PANIC, I feel that for me, panic, was my minds way of telling me there was something terribley wrong with the way I was thinking, always negative, never seemed to be happey always found fault with my life, mmmm pritty harsh way of warning me, I think, BUT, if I look back, the anxiety has always been there, just never took any notice.

So hunny, pick away at your anx with this problem, find the root cause, you may think you look great, which is great :yesyes: BUT, is it enough, do you need to work on your confidance, do you need to learn to like yourself more, not just the way you look, BUT whats inside, if you know what I mean?

Learn all you can about panic, anxiety, get to know your fears, BUT, learn about yourself too, this is a must. You may find you lack confidacne, which hun, CAN BE worked on, there are plenty of self help books, cd's or therapy out there which will fix this problem, so please hun, pick away at this problem, when we know what we are dealing with, this helps us think positive and find postive pathways forward to deal with it AND when we are learning to deal with things and have small goals, this helps us move on a little.

Hope this has helped a little