View Full Version : The world's not going to end on Wednesday.

08-09-08, 23:34
My young daughter asked me tonight if the world is going to end on Wednesday. Apparently the kids are scaring themselves by chatting about it on MSN. I don't know how many times I've had to tell people it's a load of rubbish, but they are still getting anxious about it. The simple truth is that the earth's upper attmosphere is continually getting hit by cosmic particles traverling at the same speed as the experimant will produce, so the fact that we are still here proves that there really is nothing to worry about.


09-09-08, 00:16
i dunno Tom what does Nostradamus predict? lol lol

09-09-08, 00:19
this is news to me. But since I am sure I will go to heaven, Wednesday is okay:)

09-09-08, 00:55
The Mayan calendar doesn't end till 2012, so we've got 4 years yet!

09-09-08, 10:40
Never mind the kids poor loves, it scares the B****Y hell out of me.
Why don't those stupid people shut up and stop scare mongering :mad: :mad:

Pink Panic
09-09-08, 10:54
Just saw a Scientist bloke whose involved in it all talk to Phil and Fearn on This Morning and instead of reassuring me it made me more nervous. :ohmy:

09-09-08, 11:16

i don't know much about it tbh, but was wondering why other groups of people have tried to stop it ! as they sounds like they have valid reasons for doing so .
surely they would not be aloud to do this if it was not safe ?i think they do all kind of things that we know nothing about there for don't worry it is only coz we know about it that people are panicky about it maybe the tv and papers say a bit to much

jodie xx

09-09-08, 16:19
I want you all to know I LOVE YOU ALL!! now I'm off to get a few things off my chest with other people if tomorrow the world disappears lmfao

09-09-08, 16:22
Haha pooh

I would also like to add that i have to go to the dentist Wednesday morn so if poss before the appointment would be cool

09-09-08, 16:43
I'll be annoyed if the world ends on Weds... My baby is due on Friday and I've spent the weekend packing my hospital bag.

And I've just paid off my student loan - could have spent the dosh in town today instead.

Have to say I find this Hadron Collider fascinating but not sure what the point is....

Captain America
09-09-08, 16:53
apparently the old boy did chime in on this one. this was an excerpt from a 'media' story about this. dig the 'tune in next week!' tone of the closing statements. too funny.

Leave, leave Geneva every last one of you,
Saturn will be converted from gold to iron,
"Raypoz" will exterminate all who oppose him,
Before the coming the sky will show signs.

Did Nostradamus predict the Large Hadron Collider? Will the Earth disappear into a black hole of its own making?

Captain America
09-09-08, 16:54
and i'm officially changing my name from james to 'raypoz'! much cooler....

09-09-08, 17:01
Remember a few years ago when the world was suppose to end as predicted by nostrodamus. Well, i got myself into a right state. I threw a massive party, everyone got steaming drunk, and we sat and waited for the fireworks???? I was in a right panic and i'm sure my heart never beat the same since. I'm not getting myself into that state again!! NO WAY!!!:lac:

09-09-08, 17:19
Remember a few years ago when the world was suppose to end as predicted by nostrodamus. Well, i got myself into a right state. I threw a massive party, everyone got steaming drunk, and we sat and waited for the fireworks???? I was in a right panic and i'm sure my heart never beat the same since. I'm not getting myself into that state again!! NO WAY!!!:lac:

09-09-08, 19:22
I'm glad there was no internet when they tested the first atomic bomb, because they really didn't know then if there was going to be any unforeseen catastrophes. You can read about the safety of tomorrows experiment on these links.


http://www.theregister.co.uk/2008/09/05/lhc_to_leave_fabric_of_spacetime_continuum_unrippe d/

09-09-08, 20:07
I remember when i was at school, the same thing happened. A rumour started going around that the world was going to end at a certain time that day. I remember i was SO DAMN scared. My mum was at her work and i truely thought that i was never going to see her again. The more people spoke about it, the more scared i became-only i had to try to act all cool like the others but deep down the thought of impending doom was terrifying.

Anyway glady it never happened and i lived to tell the tale but i can imagine the fear that is going through those kids minds at the moment whether they show it or not.

Love Lisa

09-09-08, 20:12
Ive heard all this before, and prepared myself on more than one occassion, I wont be preparing myself this time, at the end of the day if its going to end it is, and theres nothing we can do, but it isnt so dont spend all your money tonight!!!

09-09-08, 20:39
OMG !!!!!!! that's shocking.

No, not the world ending, Blondy remembering that far back when she was at school ;)

09-09-08, 22:52
Ok well I thought I would add this for all the people who are confused as to why some are thinking the world is going to end on Wed.

It seems that there are some hot shot scientists who are going to try to recreate the "big bang" theory.
Basically the experiment will be conducted underground (if I have heard correctly) but on a minature scale to prove that the universe could have been created by a "big bang".
So now there are people who are afraid that in attempting the experiment that it will cause a black hole that will inevitably swollow up the earth.
BUT .....
in a black hole molecules are being sucked in, where in the experiment they are doing molecules will be thrown out. It's like the difference between an implosion - which is directed inward and an explosion which is outward.
I do believe that there is no way of knowing exactly what will happen but I don't believe that it will cause any damage to the earth itself.
Waste of time and money as it is going to cost somewhere around 4 billion dollars to try it but that's just my opinion.

09-09-08, 22:59
Ugh this is annoying me now. Someone somewhere has blown this out of proportion, it's not going to cause the end of the world, it's only what goes on in nature every second of the day.

09-09-08, 23:03
Oh I just heard it's ONE guy who thinks it will be the end of the world!!!

09-09-08, 23:03
Does this mean I don't have to go to work tomorrow :yahoo: :whistles:

Captain America
09-09-08, 23:17
actually after reading the LHC website, i actually now think it's really possible this thing could destroy the earth. they're throwing out a lot of terms and statements as if they are established fact, which in the physics world is really not true. a black hole may behave very differently in space than it does underground.

or, i could just be applying my mistrust of doctors to physicists...

09-09-08, 23:20
It's perfectly safe Captain America it already happens in nature all the time.

09-09-08, 23:22
And they're very very precise predictions they're based on evidence and very complicated mathematical equations!

Captain America
09-09-08, 23:27
yes, but what they're TRYING to create happens all the time. what if they create something else?

09-09-08, 23:28
Well i think its a load of rubbish as bein a christian the good lord only knows when the world will end......And as he says i will come like a theif in the night when nobody expects it!!! All this black hole the big bang is bla bla bla bla....we will still be sat here 2moz night....lol lol

09-09-08, 23:36
yes, but what they're TRYING to create happens all the time. what if they create something else?

They won't, god knows how many years of research has gone into this. They're going to do exactly what already happens, how will that create something else? I guess because I'm a Physicist it's easier for me to understand. Put it this way, do you think we'd be sat here now if the world was going to end, the world leaders would be doing something about it.

Captain America
09-09-08, 23:44
well i certainly won't argue with a physicist. but can you really say there is NO chance of something catastrophic going on?

09-09-08, 23:48
I can, there is not enough energy, if you listen to this http://mediaweb.musicradio.com/player/default.asp?s=12&e=63049

This physicist said that if a black hole was to be produced it would have the same energy of two mosquitos crashing into each other. Believe me they've been looking into this for 3 decades they have very precise predictions.

09-09-08, 23:51
since this experiment has never been done before people are just afraid of the unknown. remember the millinium! we were told the world will end or all our computers and stuff were going to go crazy!

09-09-08, 23:52
Ahahah yeah, we're still here!

10-09-08, 00:54
Anybody still worried read this:

Though its a lot of scientific jargon so if anybody needs a translation just ask :)

10-09-08, 01:43
i know the world wont end but i think i'll be a little nervous once 5 . 30 am, uk time comes!

10-09-08, 08:02
If I miss the Scotland's game tonight because of a black hole, I won't be happy. Is there a compaints procedure if my TV gets sucked into a black hole?

10-09-08, 08:21
10 minutes to go!

10-09-08, 08:26
really? i heard on the news there wasn't a definite time.......

10-09-08, 08:59
I don't think it has been launched yet, it was meant to be 8.30 though. Besides the collisions don't actually start until 21st October so if anything THEN will be the end of the world. All they're doing today is making sure the beam can circulate all the way around.

10-09-08, 09:07
It's up and running :)

10-09-08, 09:08
Well APP aint the world supposed to end in the year 2012 according to the mayhern callender?
And APP the effects of this experiment wont realy effect us for 4 years
And then unbeliveable extream weather will distroy the plant and all things living on it.
So in 4 years what year will it be........2012

All this baloney has terrifed my youngest girl and she aint slept for three nights thinking the world will end today.

10-09-08, 09:15
It's not actually going to end in 2012, if the Mayan calendar is even true it only states the earth will go through a huge change, it wont necessarily be for bad.
Plus, the media is only saying the 4 years thing because it will be 2012 so it coincides.
And any effects would take millions of years to effect us.

10-09-08, 09:21
Didn't REM sing a song about this?

I had food poisoning in Corfu once, I know what the end of the world feels like.

10-09-08, 09:25
Lol Jaco ..still laffin at yr comment about Blondy and remebering school haha (soz Lisa ) haha

.....Hope you get this message b4 u get sucked in 2 the black hole ....lolxxxx

Titch x

10-09-08, 09:44
Sorry I have to laugh, all this hype, I just heard on 5 live that today, was only to turn the friggin thing on lol.

They won't start experiments for weeks.

Mind you, I had a car like that once, there was always a lot of hype before I turned it on, will it start? won't it?

10-09-08, 09:46
21st October they start experiments! Then this will all start all over again *sigh* Silly media.

10-09-08, 09:53
You sure you are talking about your car Jaco and not your wife ???:roflmao:

Titch xxxxx

10-09-08, 11:13
Mind you, I had a car like that once, there was always a lot of hype before I turned it on, will it start? won't it?

Jaco i have a battery operated Buzz Lightyear thats a bit tempremental like that!

To Infinity and beyond !


I think we need Buzz to save the world !!!lol


10-09-08, 11:40
Joking apart though, i think its a total waste of money. Would have been better giving the money to countries that live in poverty!

10-09-08, 11:40
apparantly the world is ending next year! haha

The Fool
10-09-08, 11:50
people have been told the world will end so many time lol tomrrow it will be terrorist attaks etc (really stupid why would the do things on the same day when people will obviously be looking out for it) the world will not end in 2012 it will not end today,the world will not end till the sun burns out and that shall be in 50 billion years or more.so please quit worrying!!

10-09-08, 14:05

honeybee your right hun there is ppl out there with no food no home nothing and they spend money on this it is crazy ,and what gets me is how come we dont get a vote on it and it happens if we like it or not :shrug:mad

jodie xx

10-09-08, 17:12
have you heard the rap song the scientists made to explain what they are doing?

10-09-08, 17:23
OMG !!!!!!! that's shocking.

No, not the world ending, Blondy remembering that far back when she was at school ;)

OMG ye swine that ye are! i'll have you know that i'm only 21 :shrug:

10-09-08, 17:47
It's not actually going to end in 2012, if the Mayan calendar is even true it only states the earth will go through a huge change, it wont necessarily be for bad.

From what I've read, very bad things are coming regardless of anything the Mayans said. I won't worry people by saying what they are though.

The Fool
10-09-08, 17:58
people in the world who tell us stuff are exstream drama queens.half of it isnt true i bet.but one thing is for sure.the world is not going to end.not now.not tomorrow.not in 2012.

10-09-08, 17:59

I have never heard of this Mayan calender before. :ohmy:
Does it know what this weeks winning lottery numbers are:winks: ? Or the 3.30pm winner at Aintree! on Saturday? It sounds very clever im going to google it up !


10-09-08, 20:26
I have a Playboy calender, but it don't say nothing about the end of the world?

10-09-08, 20:32
LOL Jaco

Bet it dosnt tell you this Saturday,s Lottery numbers either:winks: !Only numbers on your calender will be 38DD !!:scared15:


Captain America
10-09-08, 20:39
whoo hoo! the world didn't end! everything is okay, and everything's going to be just fi-

10-09-08, 20:55
Told you all so :)

10-09-08, 21:16
whoo hoo! the world didn't end! everything is okay, and everything's going to be just fi-
There are only 2 bad things about dying: the pain and the anticipation. So a duff hadron collision is probably the best way to go.

10-09-08, 21:23

honeybee your right hun there is ppl out there with no food no home nothing and they spend money on this it is crazy ,and what gets me is how come we dont get a vote on it and it happens if we like it or not :shrug:mad

jodie xx
The thing is, we know nothing, do we? I think it's dangerous to conduct policy on the basis of people saying, "Oo, I don't like the sound of that".

I also think science is very important. Almost all the discoveries that are the basis of modern technology were hailed as useless when they were first discovered. Most scientists are sensible, humane and rather cautious people, though the media often portray them otherwise, largely because they don't like some of the uncomfortable things they tell us.

The fact that there are people who are homeless and starving is (or has been) more to do with the limitations of capitalist economics than with government funding policy. Compared with things like defence, I'm sure science is very poorly funded. There are only a couple of centres like CERN in the world, and they receive funding from many governments. It's really a drop in the ocean.

Captain America
10-09-08, 21:31
yeah. imagine if you could harness the power of one of those collisions. you could have enough power to run the world 10 times over. or, destroy it just as many times over. if a singularity is created in the collision i don't think we know what will happen. this is not the manhatten project.

10-09-08, 21:43
I agree with Fran there. I do accept that in parts of the world, poor people are starving but this is down to politics and circumstances and is a whole different issue.

Infact, pursuing science has benefited mankind strongly towards medical, agricultural advance.

I for one am curious to see what they will discover.

10-09-08, 22:01
yeah. imagine if you could harness the power of one of those collisions. you could have enough power to run the world 10 times over. or, destroy it just as many times over. if a singularity is created in the collision i don't think we know what will happen. this is not the manhatten project.

The power of one of these collisions is the same as a mosquito hitting you in the face, not going to power the world.

11-10-08, 03:13
When i was at primary school, one of my friends parents came to class for some reason (i dont recall why) and she told us all that a comet was heading for jupiter and that there was a really good chance that it would hit the earth...

Needless to say i was terrified and I cried myself to sleep hysterically every night untill that comet hit Jupiter. (It's a good job it didn't hit earth cause it left a crater on Jupiter the size of Earth) My parents were besides themselves, there was absolutely no consoling me.. They went balistic at my mates mom..

I laugh abbout it now but I can still remember how terrified i was..