View Full Version : Panic

09-09-08, 10:47
:shades: Hi all, I am new to the forum and would like to tell other sufferers not to give up on panic,i have had this horrible panic disorder for 25 years i have been dodging the areas that you will have the greatest panic fromTheatres/planes/etc anywhere that you can't find an exit for most of that time , the problem is that it affects everybody around you i can't take my wife on holiday abroad because i know i would not be able to because of the thought of being closed in on the plane.I have over the years managed to control my panic by not putting myself in situations that i know will kick of the attacks but if you tell other people what your going through they won't begin to understand.
The panic attacks have come back with a vengeance over the past 6 months and i have had to seek help the doctor has put me on Propanol it is my first time on medication because in the past when i was going into stress area i would have a good gulp of vodka out of my hip flask it used to give me a quick fix but is not recommended,anyway my son want's to take the wife and i on holiday to Seychelles all expenses paid for our anniversary in 6 months time i hope these tablets are good otherwise i will have to let my wife down again or she go's on her own as usual Cheers all John.

09-09-08, 11:19
heya... i was prescribed propranol a few months ago but have never taken it as i was too scared of the side affects..anyway a few people on chat are on propranol and they say that it does help....take care..p.s :welcome: to nmp... xx

06-11-08, 14:01
Hi all, For the past 3 months i have not been able to walk out of my house without suffering bad panic and having to return home,but last Friday i had a do or die situation,my wife had to go for medical consultation in Liverpool town centre she had to have me with her, for the whole week before i had been building myself up making my anxiety a lot worse on the day i was sick with panic but i steeled myself got in the car and set off i had to stop a number of times get out of the car do some deep breathing then carry on, the first main hurdle is when i came to the entrance to the mersey tunnel i went in to blind panic when i entered the tunnel but managed somehow to come out the otherside.well that is when panic started to subside i then got into a bad traffic jam and didn't panic,found a parking space walked into town centre and had a few mild panics i was then starting to feel like my old self,when my wife came out instead of wanting to get back in car and rush home i asked my wife if she wanted to go for a nice meal oh was she surprised,so this week i have managed to walk from home without panic i can maybe put some of my slow recovery down to somebody on this site recomending listening to Claire weekes (go to the panic shop)she seemed to tell me to face up to panic i hope this thread will give people some hope---I have suffered panic attacks for 25years i have worked out that you need to get rid of the anxiety to start on the panic attacks these are two separate illnesses cheers John