View Full Version : Dizziness & light headedness

09-09-08, 12:24
I have been experiencing much worse panic attacks, constant anxiety and severe depression over the last few days, as im sure you are aware its been horrible and has equalled a lot of crying!!!!

Since and during these times i have now developed a new symptom i havent had before and thats constant dizziness and light headedness, it makes me feel sick and very wobbly especially when walking around. :scared15: I honestly feel like i have got vertigo!

Has anyone lese experienced this?
Does it go after a while?
How do you cope with it?
And does anyone know why it happens?Ive never had it before and over my years of GAD/Panic im surprised to find a new symptom and its worrying me alot (enough to think there might be something else wrong with me?), i feel like i am swimming around and its making me feel very detached from the world, well even more than i usually do! :wacko:

Thanks in advance for any help/advise you may be able to give me.

:bighug1: Popsy x x x

09-09-08, 12:52
Yep, I definitely get this, loads of anxiety sufferers do - have a search through recent posts in the HA and Symptoms forums and you'll see how many of us get it. I always think it's a good idea to get yourself checked by a doctor when you get a new symptom that's bothering you, but it definitely can be caused by anxiety. Physically, I think it can be caused by low blood sugar, hyerventilation or an adrenaline rush, or you could have an inner ear problem which seems to be pretty common amongst anxiety sufferers. There's a bit about dizziness on the symptoms page


Get yourself checked by a doctor if you're worried or get other new symptoms, but rest assured you're not alone in experiencing this :).

09-09-08, 13:13
The symtoms of being lightheaded and feeling dizzy is very common i have these on a regualr basis sometimes lasting all day every day until i have a full attack.

Its a case of trying to to think about it as the more you worry the stronger they become.

I am having checks done by the doctor to be sure but im sure its only another symtom of anxiety.


09-09-08, 16:23
Yes I've had it.
I was dizzy for weeks, couldn't even get out of bed, and no doctor could find out what was going on. I even fainted, and had shots of anti nausea medication.
I made it to an appointment with my psychologist, who got me out of it with a snap. I was somatizising - this is very common in people with panic attacks.
There is actually no physical reason for your dizziness, you kind of bring it on yourself by believing you are dizzy even though you are actually not. I wouldn't know what to say to you to make it stop as I'm not a trained therapist, but realizing it was only anxiety made it go away for me.

09-09-08, 16:30
Hi Mikke

What is somatizising? I imagine it means you are bringing it on yourself from the rest of you post, can you explain?
