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View Full Version : Starting to feel the anxiety fairy flapping round my ears!

09-09-08, 12:50

Thought i would put on paper (so to speak) just how i am feeling right now, so my chums at NMP who understand the joys of GAD can sympathise, empathise and offer me any words of wisdom.

Came back from holiday last week - 2 weeks away from home in a strange place, not good for my 'madness' let me tell you, BUT i did it, and whilst not enjoying it as much as i would have done before the return of my GAD, had a good time......

returned to work, and other than a few minor wobbles have done OK!

Anyway..... Yesterday, my hubby confirmed the news that he is out of work as of Wednesday - with nothing on the horizon (he is in the building trade). whilst we are fortunate enough not to be in immediate crisis, it isnt good, and what is worrying (funny that) me more, is that my hubby doesnt react to this kind of pressure very well, and if not kept 'up' will end of hitting rock bottom, which quite frankly i wont be able to cope with!!

HELP!!!! - can anyone offer me any words of wisdom as to how i can avoid going into total anxiety mode, and how, in amongst all this, i can be supportive to my husband........

Lisa b
xxx :ohmy:

Veronica H
09-09-08, 20:09
Hi Lisa
The problem with this illness is that we really need a break from all of lifes stresses in order to sort ourselves out, which of course is never going to happen. I am really sorry that you are having to deal with this at a time when you seem to have been coping. I would be really honest with your husband from the outset about what you will and will not be able to cope with emotionally. I am sure he would feel even worse if he was the cause of a setback for you. I hope he finds more work soon.
Best wishes

10-09-08, 13:37
Lisa I do sympathise with you right now. Although my hubby hasn't lost his job he is so fed up and I can see him 'slipping' into depression (he has before over work!). I'm just starting to claw my way back to normality and this is the last thing I need to bring me down again .. I mean how will the family cope with us both being 'unwell'.

I'm gonna have to have words with him tonight and I think that's what you must do as well. It seems unfair to them I guess that they might feel like they can't allow themselves to get 'down' but talking is the only way through something like this I think. I've been very tearful today and its the first time for aaaaages and I'm sure that's the reason why.

Good luck :hugs: