View Full Version : ladies only please

09-09-08, 13:14
hi everyone,

im starting to get myself in a bit of a state re ovarian cancer and cervical cancer, i had my last smear 18 months ago and it was normal,i am not on the pill and i get really bad ovulation pain every month,my cycle is like clock work i know more or less where i am with it.

the problem is every now and then i get twinges in my right side they are only for not even a second its just like a little stab/twinge and the its gone,if i poke, i know i shouldn but i do, it doesnt hurt there is no pain when i press and believe me i do poke but then i bruise myself so there is pain, my partner and i have had much action in the bedroom department lately due to stress etc etc, anyway we did on sat night that was the first time in nearly 3 months,tmi sorry, monday and today i keep getting a slight shooting pain in my bits it doesnt hurt it just makes me jump if that makes sense, ive tried not worrying about it,but the more i worry the more in twinges. i keep thinking what if i ignore it this time and put it down to my HA and it is something??

ive thought of cysts,cervical and ovarian cancer, but im only 30 i know oc is rare at my age but not impossible and my smear was ok but im still concerned

any advice please


09-09-08, 13:43
this is one that I can put your mind at ease with. Each month when you have your period you ovulate and when you do it is so normal to feel a slight stabbing pain or shooting pain on either side of your pelvis. It is from your eggs being released. Some women can feel it and others cant. I happen to be one that can feel it too. It is really nothing to be alarmed about. I hope this helps. Take care.

09-09-08, 16:10

Hi love how are you? What 3369 said is very true, however have you had any tests for sexually transmitted infections recently? I hope you don't panic about this but i am aware after working in a clinic for a while that sometimes chlamydia can cause these twinges- which i must add can be treated easily once picked up in a routine test but can lie dormant in the female for ages without actually being picked up. You may want to go to your local family planning, or see your GP to clarify these twinges which may in fact be nothing but will put your mind at ease. The fact that your recent cervical smear test was negative would suggest you have no cancer honey. Make an appointment & go put your mind at ease.

Best Wishes

09-09-08, 18:08
hi everyone

thank you for your replies, i have no symptoms of chalmydia, i did have a test for this back in 2004 and it was negative and also my partner of 4 years had a sperm sample test last september and nothing was picked up on that and he has no symptoms of it at all, would you still think it possible?


09-09-08, 19:00
hi matey i would say if u really are worried go and chat to doctor and put your mind at rest, but i really dont think it is serious but i would say if in doubt check it out, chat later to u hun. hugs xxxxxx

10-09-08, 11:49
Hi hun, :D:hugs:

I get these symptoms, but for me, each month is not the same, different symptoms each month. For me, its my age, my body is changing, so I don't feel its a problem, I can deal with the symptoms, the only one, that gets to me is when the hormones mess about with my emotions, I do get on with it, but its not nice. I only get one week clear now and it all starts again, Ohh what us women have to go through, me thinks we all need a hug :hugs:

Hunny, if you can't get reasurance from this great site, DON'T let Mrs Anxiety play with you, nip this in the but NOW and pop along to your gp, peace of mind goes ALONG way.


love jillxx