View Full Version : WHO CAN SWIM?????

20-05-05, 07:29
This might sound really weird, but I would love to know how many 'fellow sufferers' CAN'T swim.

I have never been able to. I can't RELAX enough to get my legs behind me in the water and therefore can't float. Is this common in anxiety sufferers, especially those with long term anxiety?

It would be interesting to know if my theory about relaxing and swimming is correct.


20-05-05, 09:19
Hi Linda

Well I can't swim either and I am a long term anxiety sufferer. However, I had a bad experience in a swimming pool when I was young and now have a fear of going under the water. So I think it mainly the reason why I don't feel particularly comfortable in the water.

I'd love to be able to swim though because it's good exercise.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

20-05-05, 09:51
hi linda...
i can swim fairly well...
i suffer from panic/anxiety/ocd...
the only thing that stops me is when im having a bad day and i dont feel able to mentally go... if that makes sense...
i prefer to swim in the sea than a pool... i used to get in all the time but now if i get there and dont feel i can it doesnt matter as my kids are old enough to get in themselves and can all swim too.

20-05-05, 09:52

I can swim, I learnt when I was really younge, before any of the anxiety / panic kicked in...havnt been since ive been suffering with it, so dont know how Id react to it, but think id be ok.

Tatty B xx

20-05-05, 12:33
I can swim, but could never do so when I was young when everyone else seemed to succeed. I had no confidence.

Then I got there aged 38 and became a swimaholic! At one point I seriously considered doing the Swimathon of 200x25 lengths.

I continued swimming after I started getting panic attacks, but have now got out of the habit and haven't swum for about 3 years! Whilst my general anxiety drains me so, I can't see an early return :-(


Don't wait around for other people to be happy for you. Any happiness you get you've got to make yourself.--Alice Walker

20-05-05, 14:14
Hi there,
I can swim quite well, and used to find it relaxing and helpful with fitness and weight, but the last few occasions when i went, i felt the anxiety creeping up, and like a fool stopped going. As someone else has said, my children are all old enough to take themselves, so i'm letting no-one down but myself! Sorry i don't even think i've answered your question have i?

20-05-05, 20:14
Don't think if my theory's answered or not!!!! I have never been able to swim and apparently, my anxiety stems from my childhood, so I still can't learn now. I'm not scared of water, I love the sea and my dream is to live by it, I just can't swim LOL

Oh well, maybe some more theories will appear soon....

20-05-05, 20:23
Sorry but I am a big swimmer - go 2-3 times a week at the moment. It is boring doing it alone but good toning exercise.


20-05-05, 20:40
Its just me then.............:(:(:(:(:(Am i the worlds most un-relaxed person ever?????:(:(:([:P]

20-05-05, 20:55
Not atall Lin

We are all different and have different interests etc.

You are doing fine as you are.

I have to say that there have been a few times in the pool when I was at the deep end swimming back to the shallow end that I felt a bit panicky and wanted to get back quick lol!


20-05-05, 22:03
Hi lin

I can swim, but dont have the confidence to go, Im a bit paranoid about my weight. Maybe I could make it a challenge.

Its not you, people have all different talents. Im sure theres many things, you can do that others cant.

What about swimming lessons?

Feel free to PM me, if you want to talk.

Emma xx

Keep focused, keep positive.

21-05-05, 03:01
Hey Linda,
Its moi again I'm afraid!!!!! I'm a crap swimmer if it's any consolation!!!!!!!!! Really, really crap.
I can swim, but only for a few minutes then I've had it! lol

Don't worry linda, practice makes perfect, unless you're called cookie! LMAO:D
HeeHee, hope you're doing ok darlin'.

21-05-05, 10:16
I swim a few times a week.

I've always been a strong swimmer but when I was panicky I was terrified that I would panic, faint/drown or almost worse - would inadvertently vomit in the pool and cause it to be shut for weeks to be drained and cleaned..

They renewed my membership so I guess I have always behaved fine.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

22-05-05, 11:25
I can swim but I hate it. I can't do one length of the pool without feeling like I'm going to drown!! :D

23-05-05, 13:22

Yes I can swim but I it can get boaring as I go on my own. So now i have taken up Aqua aerobics which is good fun. and you can stay in the shallow end if you don't like the deep water.

Take Care,

Love PIP'S X X

23-05-05, 18:06
Hi Linjane

i can swin used to go really regularly not a brilliant swimmer though got a bit put of when i was pregnant got hlf way up the pool and couldnt get anyfurther it was quite scarey, mind i was 8 months and had put 4 stone on LOL so was prob just unfit,

i have been ecently but find it to boring and my mind starts to wander did do the aqua aerobics quite liked that just takes me a long time to motivate myself,

good post though very interesting

kairen x

23-05-05, 19:32
Hi I can swim learnt when about 12, someone pushed me in 6ft end after id bragged i could swim, oops,dont go underwater now or I would stop breathing, need to stay in control, days of handstands and turnovers are long gone. love alexis

23-05-05, 21:42
I used to enjoy Aqua aerobics as you can still do this even if you can't swim.

Don't go anymore though as my friend didn't want to go anymore and I don't feel able to go alone.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

23-05-05, 22:44

Yes i can swim and i really enjoy it even if i take Sam and her friends. Even though they are all there and they can all swim i can go off and swim on my own and totally chill out.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.