View Full Version : Lump(s) in neck

09-09-08, 18:12
Hello everyone!

Just needed some advie about a lump i have on my neck. Its about pea sized, maybe a little larger, and has been there for nearly 4 months. I went to the docs and he ordered a blood test (this was in June) which came back negative, but after I found out blood tests didnt prove conclusive, I went back. The doc said it's gotten slightly smaller (how he could think that after not feeling it for 2 months I dunno!) and no other glands have come up, and I've had no other symptoms, but he wants me to go for a biopsy at the end of September. I do OK with my anxiety most of the time, but I tend to have lapses where I have to check all my nodes in the area.

I have nodes on the side of my neck I can feel, the one on the lump side is fine, not swollen, although I can also feel a small bb sized lump on the back of my neck, which does concern me as I can't feel a node on the other side. Having said that, it feels slightly different to the other nodes, like longer, and not as moveable, like a smaller version of the salivary gland i can feel under my chin. Do you think thats all it could be?

Kinda a bit panicked now as I foolishly googled lymphoma as well.

09-09-08, 18:48
hi lumps on neck are very scary ive had mine for 7 years now quite a big one , i can move mine about can you? please dont google i used to it makes us much worse it sounds like glands mine apparantly is aswell but its been there so long and not gotten bigger so i try not to worry about it


09-09-08, 19:55
yeah all mine I can move about....the main one on the neck is just over pea size, so not that big at all really. The one on the back of my neck is chick pea size, probably one of the smallest nodes I have (if it is a node) not as moveable as the other nodes which leads me to think perhaps its something like knotted muscle instead, doesnt stick out either, I can move the others quite freely. I do weights too, so the back of my neck gets put under severe pressure, so I'm hoping thats just muscle, if its a node its a very small one anyways.

09-09-08, 20:04
im sure its nothing to worry about easier said than done i know

09-09-08, 20:45
Hi, when i was in my late teens and early twenties i had a pea sized lump in my neck, it was there for roughly 5 years. I was always prodding and probing it. My doctor just kept insisting it was a gland and insisted i left it well alone. It was'nt until i stopped messing with it that it finally disappeared. I still sometimes find little lumps in my neck but they just go of there own accord.
I'm sure the biopsy will put your mind at rest and in the meantime stop prodding and poking-ok:)

09-09-08, 22:53
pea sized lumps are almost always just benign glands - my neighbour had hodgkins disease and his neck lump was size of an orange|!! there was no mistaking it - you could see it a mile off. He was perfectly well apart from this huge lump.

I remember the GP saying to him that he was certain just looking at it that it was cancerous - poor fella didn't believe the GP but GP was right.

YOu GP will just be putting your mind at rest by sending you for biopsy becasue you kept going back.

10-09-08, 05:28
Defintely never google. I am sure all will be well as you would likely be having many other symptoms if it was something serious. Hugs

10-09-08, 05:46
I have a lymph node under my right ear that's been bigger than the one on the left for at least 6-7 years - it's never got bigger except when I've had an ear infection and doesn't seem to be doing me any harm. Apparently sometimes nodes can swell up during and infection and never go back to normal. They're called "shotty" nodes and are harmless.

10-09-08, 14:49
Wow, its amazing how many of you have enlarged glands like this!

I agree with the doc putting my mind at rest - he even said to me he doubts its lymphoma as only one gland had come up, its just routine to get it biopsied as its been there longer than 6 weeks.

10-09-08, 15:40
Wow, its amazing how many of you have enlarged glands like this!

I agree with the doc putting my mind at rest - he even said to me he doubts its lymphoma as only one gland had come up, its just routine to get it biopsied as its been there longer than 6 weeks.

Hiya Tango......

I noticed a couple of pea sized lumps just above my voice box and the base of my tongue which i can feel and see and are quite tender now, went to my GP and has refered my to the Ear, Nose and Throat clinic at the local hospital...have waited 3 months for appointment and it is next week! Hurrah!

It is scary as the big nasty C immediatly goes through your head...especially as have smoked for 20yrs!

Well fingers crossed for both of us.



15-09-08, 10:20
Still havng this obsession with searching for other lumps. Last night I was prodding round my groin area when I felt a larger lump, bout as big as a kidney bean. I have one the other side, but the left sided one is smaller. I can only move them side to side really as well. They feel a lot softer than my other nodes, like muscle soft, and the other nodes in my groin are all normal, all the same each side.

Do you reckon its just a lump of muscle each side I was feeling? I got so worked up about it last night I found it hard to sleep, and even when I did and I was dreaming, I was actually checking them in my dreams! How crazy is that!

I suppose though if it was cancerous and it spread from my neck to my groin, I would be at least having some other symptoms right, and it would have shown up on my blood test? Or maybe I've had these lumps all along and not noticed till now....

15-09-08, 12:50
I tell a lie...further down from that lump theres another lump on each side too...again on each side and again squishier than normal nodes. Maybe it is just muscle. Its more at the inside of the top of my leg, not sure if thats groin or calf or what. All the nodes I can feel between these two muscle lump things on each side up to my neck seem normal, so thats good yeah?

I know I gotta stop touching cos I'll drive myself mad. At least I know the neck gland is smaller than it was when I first discovered it, but when I first discovered it I was touching a lot too!

15-09-08, 23:12
ok....I take it I was being silly then.

I just want this biop to come and come soon! :(