View Full Version : Worried about tomorrow

09-09-08, 20:01
I'm mega worried about tomorrow after reading the papers:


The end of the world the newspapers say. I know it sounds silly but it's my biggest worry at the moment. :ohmy:

09-09-08, 20:06
Well in that case, you'v nothing to worry about then!
I only heard about it today, don't ya think if it was the end of the world then there'd have been more coverage about it?
I don't think we need to worry, seriously.
I'm a right panicker too but i won't get myself worked up about nothing, it's twoddle!!:winks:

09-09-08, 20:08

have a look at this thread it might help

jodie xx

09-09-08, 20:08
Yeh it's worried me because if the world ends then all the worry wont be there and there will be nothing to worry about.

It can't really get any worse. I read about it a few weeks back and it's been like a dark cloud over me since. Everytime I hear bad news it's like "well this is how it was meant to end" and lots of negative thoughts.

09-09-08, 20:16
I remember a saying from when I was younger that said when summer meets winter and winter meets summer the world will end, we are not there yet so dont worry.
People have been saying for years the world will end,try not to worry.xxx

09-09-08, 23:05
http://mediaweb.musicradio.com/player/default.asp?s=12&e=63049 listen, very reassuring :)

09-09-08, 23:14
There's really nothing to worry about. What they are doing tomorrow happens in nature all the time. The only difference with this experiment is that they are doing it in an environment so they can collect data. The USA, Russia, and all the other big countries are endorsing it as safe. There's no way these countries would let the experiment go ahead if there was any risk.


its all good
09-09-08, 23:39
Don't think you have got anything to worry bout, i am havin a lie in tomoz so if it is the end of the world i hope i am in me pit then i will die a happy lass! Seriously though don't believe everything you read, you will be fine xx

09-09-08, 23:43
there's alway some guy in a city center with a sign around his neck saying the world will end. i see it all the time and the world never ends!

09-09-08, 23:49
We were meant to end at the millenium and we never did.

Hope 2
10-09-08, 00:04
Phil xx

You used the words worried and silly.
Worried ......( Anxiety)
Silly ........ (Irrational)

If you didn't have the anxiety Phil, you wouldn't be worried. The anxiety is at the moment preventing you from seeing this for what it is. Safe. If you didn't know somewhere within you that this is defo not going to happen, you wouldn't be taking precious time to post on here. I am not being dismissive or flippant. I am hoping to help you see this from a different angle. This sort of thinking stopped me worrying I would contract HIV from money and door handles. Just to let you know I don't think you are silly at all. I understand. Lots of us do.

Sleep well
Hope xx