View Full Version : Newbie saying hi

10-09-08, 01:14
Hi everyone,

My name is Paul and have been suffering general anxiety and panic attacks on and off for about 5 years. Although have had treatment previously which seemed to work, my anxiety has been returning of late and is now starting to affect by day to day life. Which is a real bore as you all are probably aware.

Was recommended to this website by a friend and by the looks of it, I'm happy she did. Just looking through and reading various messages has made me feel more positive. So for that I thank you.

Many thanks

10-09-08, 05:19
Welcome to the forum Paul! I hope you find it as helpful as I have.

10-09-08, 07:25
hey Paul, hope this helps

10-09-08, 08:02
Hiya hun and welcome to NMP, its good that your friend reccomended the site, you will find all the help and advice you need on here.
Take care

10-09-08, 08:39
Hiya Paul, welcome to NMP its lovely to have you here.

10-09-08, 10:57
Hi there :welcome: to the site x

10-09-08, 11:35
Hi there Paul,
welcome to NMP, glad you'r liking it here. I'v posted a thread called 'to my NMP friends' it's a cheerful little poem which might cheer you up. Take Care mate:yesyes:

milly jones
10-09-08, 14:14
a warm wednesday welcome to no more panic

milly xxx :flowers:

10-09-08, 23:22
Hi Paul

:welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.

10-09-08, 23:34
Hi and welcome, Im sure you will soon find your way around and make lots of new friends.

11-09-08, 00:15
Hello Paul and :welcome:

I also have GAD and panic attacks, so you are not alone!

12-09-08, 13:17
Hello Paul And Welcome , I Wish Ya Well, Linda