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so jems like
10-09-08, 02:48
I just had a silly question ..
Can smoking or smoking pot or something like that trigger a panic attack ??

10-09-08, 02:52
ya smoking weed can cause long term anxiety, it can also cause panic attacks. it really mess's with your brain.

10-09-08, 05:09
Yup, When I was younger and tried to smoke a joint I had the worst panic attack ever. I was sweating and hyperventilating, it was terrifying.

10-09-08, 07:06
i got panic attacks whenever i was smoking pot, it was so bad i stopped

10-09-08, 07:55
Yes! I dabbled when I was younger but it was poison for my mental health. A friend of mine who smoked a lot now has serious psychological problems (paranoia, depression), and another friend has just stopped due to panic attacks. I would strongly advise against it.

11-09-08, 02:57
Im very sorry to have to say this, but smoking weed Has helped me, Now i no many of you have heard about the Link of smoking tobacco or weed on the brain, well let me tell you something,

i chose to start smoking pot, during hard times, and everytime i have its calmed me down amazinly, weed makes the smoker feel mellow and Calm, and those will argue with me, but everytime i have had An attack of aniexty,and i have smoked A spliff, after 5 minutes my mind go's into i dont care mode, it relaxe's me,

i do not beleive smoking Pot, makes your problems worse,

11-09-08, 03:01
But there are some drugs you Should NEVER! use. let alone if you suffer aniexty,

the Drug which Plays with aniexty the Most, is the use of cocaine, which can make takers feel great for 45 Minutes and then s**t for Long periods of time, taking cocaine can heighten you aniexty to the extreme.
Also never take, speed, or E's these too can make your aniexty Terrible,

some people see drugs As A way out. but they will mentally make you worse.

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11-09-08, 07:43
This also largely depends on the type/quality of the weed you are smoking. You can't always be sure what you're getting, and some people's mind simply aren't cut out to deal with its effects. There is also the addictive element if you are using it to calm down from panic, in which case it's just suppressing something.
I'm not trying to be all moralistic, it's just been sad seeing so many friends "disappear" into the pot lifestyle. I do know how drugs can seem to bring immediate relief, years ago I took ecstasy over a period of months. The effect on my brain was amazing at first, it was like taking ten prozac, it's ability to make you lose your inhibitions had the effect of making my life long phobia disappear (for as long as I was taking the E). Which of course I loved. But once the other side effects of mood swings, paranoia, irritability etc set in, I realized I had to stop taking it and the come down was horrible. I ended up with the phobia worse than ever and depression as well!
We are always looking for a quick fix to "make us better" but that doesn't work in the long run.

11-09-08, 10:32
It's a well know fact that smoking that weed can cause long term mental health problems and thats when you don't already suffer with anxiety.

If you haven't done so already please please try and stop, if you can't do this alone then seek help, please.....................:blush: