View Full Version : morning anxiety ..Help !!!!!!!

10-09-08, 08:09
Hiya everyone .....Ive been having really bad anxiety of a morning ....not the normal physical symptoms i get when I go out eg dizzy ,jelly legs but just feeling shaky and mind racing with thinking I wont cope or I cant do anything ........Im not calm and feel very stressed.

I have been doing things this week I havent done in a long time like take daughter 2 school.....yet morning anxiety has hit me hard ......I worry about going back 2 work ,about being brdesmaid ,about having 2 go 2 the bank Saturday ..its not calm worry its like I want 2 scream I cant do this x

After a while It does decrease but is there in waves allday leaving me very tired x

Does any1 else have bad morning anxiety ?

Best wishes

Titchjd xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

eternally optimistic
10-09-08, 08:18
Morning Titchjd


eternally optimistic
10-09-08, 08:23
sorry Titch,

I pressed enter b4 the message was complete .....

I was like that in the mornings for ages, used to blame it on the kids thinking they were winding me up - it was actually the other way round.

When I went on citalopram that made me much more relaxed and I could see things in a different way.

The change in your routine might have made a difference to the way you are reacting.

Bye for now and have a good day.

10-09-08, 09:11
Thanx Ju.ann
Ive been on citalopram 18months now yet still anxious .

I think it might be due 2 routine change .....its just scary when its happening xxx

Thank u
Titch xxxx

10-09-08, 09:34
Titch Titch Titch :)

Yip, I was terrible in the mornings, I mean dread, I hated it. I was in a constant state of anxiety and worrying about all future events, even if they were scenarios I just played out in my head, like losing my house because I would be too ill to earn etc etc.

Now what's the solution? (I say that like I have a magic wand, sadly I don't)

Thinking. How we think is directly linked to how feel. This is nothing new, and well documented by Claire Weekes. Hang on, why has it gone to italics? that's better.

Right, the trick to reduce the anxiety, and it takes a little time and practise, is to not think ahead but live in the moment. If you do have a future event, like being a bridesmaid (someting I have always wanted to do, but I could never find a bra that fitted) then write it down, write what the worry is, say you have to try the dress on next Thursday, make a note in your dairy that there is nothing you can do about it until then, and on that day you will address this.

When I look back, I can see now that I always woke in the morning, had a cuppa, then think myself ill.

When we are in a state of anxiety, it is easy to keep ourselves in this state with pure negative thought. But, if we can understand that the future thoughts cannot be dealt with until that situation is upon us, (i.e a social event) or that the future situation is unfounded (I don't have a life threating disease, or I won't lose my house) then slowly our minds start to repair.

In conjunction with this, eating well and getting exercise (nothing heavy, just light exercise) then this all helps towards the road to recovery.

Good luck, you will get better.


10-09-08, 09:43
Heya Jaco ..

Thanx so much :yesyes: ....Thats just how I am all my worries are about future events ....I was in such a state this morning thinking Im not going 2 be well enough for work next Wed ....Im going 2 loose my job ..hence Ill loose my house ......I tried 2 think positive but just started thinking about being a bridesmaid in Nov and got more worked up .........Oh and dont worry If I ever find some1 mad enough 2 marry me ...U can be my bridesmaid and I'll get you a good fitting bra ok .

Best wishes Jaco xxx

Titch xx

10-09-08, 11:29
Morning is the worst time for me and it always has been. Jaco is right though, our thoughts lead us to feel things either negative or positive. It's difficult not to let your mind go to those places where we are paralyzed with fear, but you can do it with practice.

milly jones
10-09-08, 15:03
i have the same philospophy as jaco to live with whats happening today and try not to think of tomorrow and then i get psychiatrists asking me to make written plans of what i want to achieve in the next month, 6 month, year etc, and it does my head in.

i just want to get thru that morning

yes i get morning anx

i give in at the moment cos life is too much

i dont raise my head until loose women, then its afternoon lol

milly xxxx

sorry got lot going on with meds atm

10-09-08, 15:46
Hi Milly

Hope u ok hun wil Pm u xxxx

heres a big big big hug from me :bighug1:

Titchjd xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx