View Full Version : one for the females

20-05-05, 09:57
Do any of you get really bad during period time?

I seem to be finding a vicious cycle on the way I feel. When I am due on the heart pounds get really bad. I get so imbalanced that I cannot stand or walk straight to the extent that when I took the kids to school this morning i toppled over. how embarrassing[V]. I feel so tired all the time, the panic is worse and at the moment I can't go shopping on my own.Then when I bleed all the symptoms tend to ease a little.

Any advice out there?. I am taking evening primrose at the moment but don't think that it is helping much



20-05-05, 13:37
Hi Pink

I get terible pmt and am always worse or on edge at that time i have been taking b6 complex and things done seem as bad whether that is just in my head i dont know, but hey if it works dont knock it, try to keep your breathing really level when you feel like that try not to breath to fast,

hope you feel a bit better soon

kairen x

20-05-05, 20:58
Hi Mandie,
I had already sent you a PM before I read this, but yes, my symptoms are always worse before my period and don't really tend to disappear fully till about day 17/18 after ovulation.
Take care and hope to hear from you soon,
Love, Linda.x

20-05-05, 23:10
hey mandie,
my panic is always worse around period time, in fact it really freaks me out. i take vit b6 tooo - i also get terrible cramps so the doctor gave me these super strong painkillers called ponstan, which are good but still only take the edge off the pain a bit. i'm going to go on the pill now, see if that helps.
all i can recommend is taking it really easy when you're on (or about to come on) - no shopping or anything like that. keep a hot water bottle on your tummy, drink lots of orange juice and horlicks, lovely baths with lavender and lots of sleep.
henri x

21-05-05, 19:18
Hi all

thanx for the replies. Think i am going to give the b6 a go see if that helps


23-05-05, 10:27

Take a Vit B complex, that way it will support your nervous system too .

period trouble [ladies please] (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2961)


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Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

24-05-05, 20:11
You could try taking starflower oil instead of the evening primrose, it does the same kind of thing but I think it's more concentrated and it works much better for me. Also 1000mg of fish oil tablet daily really seems to be working for me too - lots of Omega 3 acids!

24-05-05, 23:47
Hi Mandie

Think we all suffer at some point, but only advice i could give you is what Meg has suggested, helped me loads.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.