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10-09-08, 12:25
Hello everyone, (sorry for the spelling)

i think think that i have cervical cancer, i am 28 and i not had a smear test, i been on the pill for a long time and i came off it well over a year ago, its not the unplesntness of haven a smear test done that stops me but the waiting for the results. I not had a pirod for over 2 months and been have a brown discharge (sorry for the grafiic detlae) off on for over 2 months, i dont know whats going on, I never had rellguler pirods ever thats why i was on the pill ( i am not allowed to go on the pill dew to pressure inside my head). I dont think i could have any infctions as i am still with the same person and had swabs done while i have been with him.

I dont know whats going on, my hart is starting to pound and i am getting all my panic tilgles coming throw, i can feel myslfe blding up to a really big panic spat, i have booked myslf into have a smear today, awwwwh but i am so scared of waiting fr my results i have concinced my slef that i have cervical cancer alredy, when do you get the rsults and will i get them or will they just go to the doctors i am so scarded i feel sick to the stoumc its going to be a long hard time for me untill i get my results, its like every were i look theres the injctions for cervical cancer and then my friend has just said she had a smear test all the things, its like i am bliding up a paranoia to it.

Please help me. my mind is like unstopable.
thanks for reading
Amanda xx (((((all)))))

10-09-08, 12:36
Hi I can full understand how you feel.Could you be pregnant?

As you are booked in for a smear have a word with the nurse/gp while you are there about your concern's and what has been happening.Sometimes when you come off the pill it can take the body along time to get back to normal.:hugs:

10-09-08, 12:48
i have done a few pregnnantcy tests but they were all negative.

thanks for your reply. xx

10-09-08, 13:14
hi amanda

I too have had the simular problems with my periods, ive not been on the pill and have had regualr smear tests.

My doctor as said it is due to stress and until i can cut down on the stress and anixety i may continue to have simular problems.

The last smear test results took 10 days to come back and i was told they would ring me if they had to redo the test for any reason; or if not i would just get a letter in the post saying everything is ok.

One reason the test may have to be redone is there may be a false reading, due to change in the secretions because of the monthly cycle.

If you want to PM me and we can talk privately you can do so.

10-09-08, 15:04
Well done for arranging to have a smear test, because although you will worry until the results come through, your doctor will be able to give you some reassurance, and I am sure you will get some sense of relief knowing you have done the right thing - otherwise your worry is going to go on for far too long.

All sorts of hormonal inbalances, often related to anxiety, can cause periods to be missed, and for irregular bleeding to occur. it is a bit worrying at the time, but quite usual, so please don't think it has to be something awful. If you let your doctor know you are really concerned he may be able to fast track the results for you. I think the results usually go to the doctor first, and they then inform you. I know it is a difficult time waiting for results, I am always on edge, but you have done the right thing, soon you will be able to relax. http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/images/icons/icon7.gif

10-09-08, 15:25
Yeah, booking a smear is very brave and also very sensible.
This brown discharge that you mention could actually be your period (as they can change as you get older)
I don't think you have anything to worry about to be honest. When i talk to my friends they all mention different kinds of strange changes in their nether regions. As for your results! your swab will go straight to the lab for testing and then the results will be sent back to you and your doctor. If there are any concerns over irregular cells then they will contact you immediately. (although this does'nt necessarily mean cervical cancer).

I think you should stop worrying and remember you will soon have one less thing to worry about. :yesyes:

10-09-08, 19:14
Hi everyone

thanks for all you posts, i have been and had it done so wel done me may be how come i dont feel so grat, my hart is still pounding and i keep on have dizzy spells,

had swaps and bloods done just to rule out anything ealse she said, so i will know about them friday/monday but as for the smear i could have to ait up till 5 weeks, i dont know what i am going to do with myself i really dont.

i forgotten everything i know to keepmeslf calm and i find my self worry not just about that but how far i come and now i am right back were i started noting very twing or pain or wird feeling i am getting, wich is convening me even more thst i have it. why do i do it to my slef i wish i could stop my way of thinking any tips would be gratfull

thanks agin
amanda xx ((((all))))

10-09-08, 19:24
Try not to worry yourself and think the worst. The stress and anxiety can be causing your symptoms.
I hope you are feeling a bit better now and take care xxx:hugs:

11-09-08, 19:39
Hi Hunny,

I know the next few weeks are going to be difficult, but you have done the right thing having your smear, and just remember hormonal inbalances are not unusual and do cause all sorts of symptoms, including the ones you have described. I know you will be worrying until you get the results, it is the worst part I think, but just try to hang on to the thought that it is more than likely just one of those annoying problems that most women get at one time or another. Try to keep yourself occupied and busy with other people as much as possible.

21-09-08, 20:05
When i came off my pill one time it took me nearly two months to get my period, i just had a smear done and the results took 6 weeks i think that is terrible.