View Full Version : New User

purple to black
10-09-08, 12:57
Hi, im a new user to this website. For the past 7 weeks have been suffering from anxiety and panic and its really beginning to get me down now. Im unable to be on my own as this just fuels my anxiety as does reading about it. My doc has prescibed me Citrilopam but am really scared to take it as i dont think i could cope with the heightened anxiety this can cause and i also have a phobia of taking medication completley unrelated to the anxiety/panic.:unsure:

At first i was able to cope with it but since talking myself into a state that i was going to pass out when i was on my own it has gotten progressively worse. Frustrating to say the least as i know im the one who is controlling these thoughts but cant seem to stop them from happening. Has anyone got over this by channeling negative thoughts to positive ones without the aid of medication? and how did they do this?


10-09-08, 13:04
Hi debbie
I am managing without medication, i find it hard at times and the positive talk does help, i sometimes for get to keep doing it and the anxiety creeps back but i know it does work.

I do not like being on my own and I find it hard to go out especially if its somewhere im not sure of.

I am on a waiting list to see a doctor who helps with emotional problems but i dont know if that will work. All I can say is keep up with the positive talk and keep reminding yourself there is only you can make the thoughts go away like you said, the more you think about it the worse it gets.

keep on trying and we will both get through this.

purple to black
10-09-08, 13:25
Thanks for replying julie, im on the waiting list for CBT which ill hopefully get an appt for in the next 5/6 weeks. Im not too bad at going out to family members and such like but anywhere else im a mess even the doctors where i had a panic attack this morning while i was there...good place to have one i suppose lol.
I get really annoyed at myself when the panic passes and its at these times i need to think more positive thoughts, at the moment i just fear the next panic attack *sighs*

The feeling of being unable to catch my breath is horrible but when im calm its not there so i know this is my negative thought process. I think im quite strong willed so i know i will get through this and i know from reading that CBT is by far the best road to go.

You have made me feel better just by knowing im not alone in my thoughts, thanks Julie.

We will get through this

10-09-08, 14:00
Hi Debbie,

I am manageing as well without mediction, I have agoraphobia and social phobia among others but these are the worst and I am scared that when I go out I will pass out but by trying to ignore the thought does make it easier. I was completely housebound for 2 yrs but I am now able to go out by myself and do my own shopping and take my kids to school, I am not 100% but much better than I was but by gradually exposing myself to all the things I avoided has helped me loads, I like you am phobic about taking meds but they work for a lot of people.



milly jones
10-09-08, 14:08
a warm wednesday welcome to no more panic

milly xxx :flowers:

10-09-08, 14:27
Hi there and :welcome: to the site xx

purple to black
10-09-08, 15:07
Thank you all for the welcome and the support.

And Lily thank you so much your words are reassuring.

I know ill get there

purple to black
10-09-08, 21:35
Just a quick question...ive been thinking all day that im not coping with the anxiety/panic at all today.
How much worse does Citorilpam make your anxiety and for how long does it last?

10-09-08, 21:50
:) Hi Everybody !

I have just come across this website, and am pleased to be able to talk to people regaurding my panic attacks, the thing is I have been on citalopram since January, and I must admit I have been feeling on top of the world since starting these, but I must say that if I miss a day or 2 they make me feel extremely anxious and sick

does anybody else feel like this

10-09-08, 21:53
A huge welcome to you both
:welcome: xx

purple to black
10-09-08, 22:19
Hi John and welcome.
I dont know the answer to your question, sorry, as im still in the process of making up my mind whether to take them or not, purely on the basis of i dont know if can cope with the increased anxiety (im assuming ill get every side effect lol). Im pleased you are feeling much better and im assuming your panic attacks have gone too?

10-09-08, 23:19
Hi Debbie

:welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.

12-09-08, 13:22
Hello Debbie And Welcome , I Wish Ya Well, Linda

12-09-08, 13:28
Hi Debbie

Welcome to the site I am sure you will find many on here who will understand what you are going through.

Take care


14-09-08, 00:33
Hi and welcome, Im sure you will soon make lots of new friends on here.

purple to black
15-09-08, 13:41
Thanks all the the welcome :)
Any advice on this drug would be very helpful.