View Full Version : Helloooo :)

10-09-08, 13:05
Hi everyone, I've been reccomended this site as part of my recovery proccess....so here I am :)

I'm 22 and from Surrey (if anyone else is from around here I would love to here from you!). I've been suffering from panic attacks for the past two years (due to traumatic experiences in my early teens), this developed into agoraphobia for the past year and a bit. After months on end of being confined to my house 24/7, not even being able to answer the front door and barely existing- I decided to take a stand and get my life back! I hope I will never ever take the small things in life for granted again. My panic attacks have lessened from continous ones daily to about 1 a week. I just need to work on getting back into the big wide world...scary though it is! In the past month or so I have been making baby steps, but for me it has made the world of difference. I'm hoping this forum will be able to help me on my path to waving goodbye to my old friend agoraphobia :p I have suffered very badly from depression in the past...but the crazy thing is, I'm probably happier than I've ever been...despite all of this! Very few people in my life know about my agoraphobia (I've mastered the art of a million and one excuses) and as a result have lost alot of friends through this....butttt I want to make a new start and as many new friends as possible!

So yeah....in a nutshell, that's my story! I've left out all the dark bits...I'll leave those for another day eh :)


milly jones
10-09-08, 14:13
a warm wednesday welcome to no more panic

milly xxx :flowers:

10-09-08, 14:29
Hi there and :welcome: to the site, you'll find a lot of other people going through the same as yourself , im sure this site can be a help to you xx

10-09-08, 18:41
Thank you for your welcomes :) I look forward to getting to know you all a bit better, and getting the most out this forum! I'm feeling so positive today, on the up and up :D


10-09-08, 19:28

Glad you are feeling positive today. Just wanted to say hello and welcome you. xx :D

10-09-08, 21:32
happy to hear your progress. nice to meet you :)

10-09-08, 23:20

:welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.

10-09-08, 23:38
Hi and welcome, Im sure you will soon find your way around and make lots of new friends.

10-09-08, 23:56
:welcome: to the forums!

Its nice to have you.

12-09-08, 13:21
Hello And Welcome , I Wish Ya Well, Linda