View Full Version : Trying to accept

10-09-08, 14:01
Hi i am trying to acept that my awful thoughts are part of anxiety , one thing i find hard to grasp is that many have said its not the actual irrational thought that is scaring me but my reaction to it as to me it does seem to be the thought content especially when it gets more convincing and goes from what if to i am making me believe it.

I'm finding it really difficult to let the thought be there as i panic straight away but if i keep practising will it get easier, if my reaction to the thought changes and fear eases down does that mean i will still be plagued by them even when i've done that or do they then leave us alone. Can anyone enlighten me on this, i did have about an hour today when i felt a bit calmer and thoughts weren't so bad but i don't want that to be as good as it gets, take care and thanks, Carol.

10-09-08, 14:24
things will get better as time gos on

10-09-08, 14:41
Hi Carol, may I ask what kinds of thoughts you are having? Apologies if you've already posted this somewhere else.

It will absolutely get easier with practice! All you have to do is genuinely accept the thoughts and find a way to not fear them. With time and patience, they will go away. Sat backs will also happen, but you should just try to ignore them, or better yet, turn them into a learning experience!

I have health anxiety and using this technique I was able to go from basically having a panic attack each time my hear fluttered, for example, to being able to just dismiss those occurrences without too much thought.:)

milly jones
10-09-08, 14:49
hunit does get easier the more u practise it and the less u react to it

but its sooooo hard i know hunny


milly xxx