View Full Version : Can't switch my mind off (constant thoughts)

Hereford Al
10-09-08, 16:24
Hi all. Does anyone have any ideas on how to help me?
I am finding it incredibly difficult to just switch my mind off and keep having constant thoughts on the same subject matter.

My thoughts are a bit odd - I keep obsessing about using the toilet, or the possibility that I might get the urge to use the toilet suddenly if I am out and about. I had a bit of a panic attack in town last week and had to run to the loo for a pee, but nothing really came out. Since then I have had difficulty in concentrating on anything because of all these thoughts about using the toilet!

It is driving me mad, and I am unable to relax or take in anything else that might be said to me, or read a book or watch TV. I am also pretty scared to leave the house (even to go to the shop on the corner about 200 yards away) because I am scared that I may need to pee suddenly. I went into town on Monday again and spent almost my entire time walking about thinking "Do I need the toilet yet?" and it is seriously doing my head in.

I am on Mirtazapine for my depression, and this needing to pee alot has only really been highly evident since I have been taking these tablets. These thoughts are making me even more depressed than I was already....God knows what will happen when the food in my house runs out!

Any help would be appreciated on how to switch my mind off (without the use of alcohol or drugs!) and be able to chill out.

10-09-08, 16:31
Hey Al

Go back to your GP and tell them about it, you ahould report all side effects to your doctor especially when you atart taking a new medication...... I could well be you have a urinary track infection which will only heighten you awareness of the thoughts....as your brain is telling you it needs to pee due to the infection.

And lets be honest .... getting drunk wont help....you are just putting more liquid in.... ;-)

milly jones
10-09-08, 16:55
hunny sometimes the more u think about something u raise the level of anx

so worrying bout loo will make u fear wetting urself this u cant relax

i know this feeling well of what feels like mental ocd, over and over again ruminating worries

praps depression isnt the major focus atm and the anxiety is stronger

this happened to me and they changed my meds

id defo go talk to gp tho cos over active thoughts can ruin ur life hun

take care

milly xxxxx

Hereford Al
11-09-08, 17:03
Thanks for the replies, guys.
I'm going to try and get myself down to the local Drop In session at my local doctor surgery in the morning. Maybe it is an infection - In a way, I kind of hope that it is one rather than being pure anxiety!

Yeah, depression was not really my problem - Anxiety was the biggest issue for me over the past 12 months or so, but the anxiety led to depression which I do not think has improved since I have been on Mirtazapine. The medication has not done a great deal for my axiety either....I have had about 3 nights of decent sleep in the past 2 weeks, and almost every morning I have woken up feeling aggitated. The toilet problem only seems to be worsening my anxiety, because as soon as I wake up the issue is right there in the foreground of my mind, where it seems to stay for most of the day.

Thanks for the advice,